Crooked Emily

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Crooked Emily

Weird horse girl, YIYBY and shitlib queen. Go Padres 🥴


left of center but annoying

falo português 🇧🇷
Israel just stole a bunch more land in the West Bank and I don’t know exactly how we stop them but this definitely seems like something the international community should band together on and slap them down over, no?
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To prove I am a good ally, I have declared that I have Given Up on the idea that there is any path to a progressive egalitarian political arrangement that doesn’t require a long march through the fields of blood and iron 👍
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not sure why there's an expectation that you treat chapo trap house any differently than alex jones just because their sandy hook is in syria
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the conservative theory of law in one headline
Every day I meet at least one American that makes me proud to share space with them. I’m a fucking patriot
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White people today be like
My kid’s dad got her some nice earrings a month ago to replace the piercing earrings, but unbeknownst to me the backings were freakishly small & I found out the hard way that her skin had healed over one of them I don’t know how doctors/nurses do this shit I almost fainted holding those tweezers
I’ve locked myself out of all social media from 10am - 11pm every day but Sundays, and it’s been pretty great. I did 20 hours of work in 6 hours and took my kid swimming upstairs
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I hope we don’t regret not making some of these Nazis disappear now while we can still find them unaccompanied in their driveways
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Literally my time to shine
Like this is where Karen energy is needed. You need to be on that “can I speak to your manager” shit. Act like you’ve been double charged for your salad and need a refund.
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This meme exists for a reason.
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This might be more impactful on the election than anything Biden said tonight
BlueSky in the past has been the place to mock sincerity, but I know the average user here is not gearing up to lead a violent revolution If you are scared or angry, it’s ok to channel that into something productive. You’ll probably find it actually helps ease the anxiety. This is one option!
Homepage | Vote Save Vote Save America is the one-stop shop for everything you need to get informed, get involved, and get out the vote in the most important election of our lifetime.
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We probably ought to have a conversation about a partisan court declaring Trump above the rule of law that is at least as intense as the one we've had about Joe Biden being very old.
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Have to admit, it would be bad for the country but tremendous content, if Brandon had six Justices, one ex-president, Stephen Miller, and a few others "officially" executed all at once like the Breaking Bad prison hit
Jon Lovett called Boston “Philadelphia with smarter rude people and worse sandwiches” and told his crowd there they could “soon go back to doing what Bostonians are best at, making bars too loud” you two should do a collab 💀
This is such an obvious idea I can’t believe it’s never crossed my mind I wish the law mandated the kits had to be free but it looks like some bars are choosing that option anyway
California bars, clubs required to provide drug detection kits starting Starting Monday, most bars and clubs in California must offer drug test kits to detect date rape drugs in drinks under a new law.
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The only advice I’d give the Biden campaign is to go to war with the NYT. They’re even less popular than Biden or Trump, would form a good rallying cry, and reframes the campaign to be an underdog attempt to push good policy against elites who don’t want it. “NYT is for the billionaires, we’re not.”
Everything is fucked so I decided I’m bringing back saddle shoes for middle aged women
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I wrote about a this particular camp of prominent leftwing academics who are allowing their singular, disdain-driven focus on (neo-) liberalism to completely distort their perspective on the Right and on politics in general:
The Anti-Liberal Left Has a Fascism Prominent leftwing intellectuals are allowing their singular, disdain-driven focus on (neo-) liberalism to completely distort their perspective on the Right
Goddamnit I’ve already wasted half the day! I have so much to do
Virgo: When all your other memories have succumbed to the ravages of time and biology, what you do today will still be there with you. Make it count. Hug a child. Have a nice meal. Piss in your neighbor's gas tank. Whatever makes you smile.
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Donald Trump, who I do not support, is clearly the master of the universe. The shitlibs need to accept defeat. By Glenn Greenwald
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There have been other high-stakes situations where age-related concerns had to be put aside
The ideal social media presence is to have enough followers that you can ask a sampling of real and spiritual dads a question about plumbing on a Sunday afternoon and receive solid helpful replies …but not so many followers that you receive death threats at your job I have reached homeostasis
I’m pretty good at minor repairs EXCEPT plumbing so pls help: After 40 days, the property management company finally fixed my dishwasher that wouldn’t spray since that day (Thursday) I can’t run water in the kitchen sink for more than 60 seconds without it backing up wtf did they do??
Going to the Hillcrest farmers market on this, the last day of Pride. Gonna yell, “throw out some bread!”
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The only thing that seems clear is that the MSM won’t question the fitness of Trump or take the threat of his candidacy seriously.
Fuck Tractor Supply and their overpriced kitsch, the only thing I ever bought there was medicine for my hens
Here's their statement if you don't want to go over to Twitter