
I was wrestling with some faith stuff a few weeks ago and someone (very kindly!) mentioned that on twitter I would post about nice stuff I was getting from my faith and here I generally talk about how much it was tormenting me -
and I feel like - part of it is I was hashtagging my old posts so that people who for various reasons don't want to see Christian stuff could just mute it, and I am not sure if hashtags work that way here? And I never want to be BRAGGING
But here is a nice thing: I have always really struggled with prayer because when I am just sitting there with my eyes closed my mind wanders and I feel like I cannot focus for a long time and I don't end up saying the things I need to say
But I've been trying two alternate forms of prayer - just speaking out loud, conversationally, when I am at home or in the car alone, and writing prayers in a notebook - and those have both felt a lot better!
Have you read "Practicing The Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence?
That's Brother Lawrence's whole spiritual idea: He's not a great mystic, not particularly good at anything he does around the monastery, but he talks to God constantly throughout the day and feels assured things will work out ok
I feel like it would work, if need be!
now that we have mute you should be able to hashtag here the same way I would think
Yeah, you can mute hashtags on here now.