pee wee herman-palladino

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pee wee herman-palladino

"the Pepsi of Austrian writing." do not be weird at me online. buy bumper stickers, from me, at
Maybe I love having covid. You can't prove that I don't
reading the lectionary selection from the Hebrew Bible this morning and saying "ooof" and "yeesh" out loud, tugging at my collar, things of that nature
RT if you think that TODAY elvis would call the song "Love Me Gender." LIKE if your nephews have had GENE THERAPY to alter their DNA so they're no longer RELATED to YOU
ok but out of context “Alicia Silverstone” is an incredible name for a fantasy character
we all have that one friend who gently raps at chamber doors
i actually fell ONTO a turnip truck from what i believed at the time to be a turnip tree
“Stop th’ steal” he might say
the media should ask Stephen miller about project 2025 but they should also ask him about the time trump was so disgusted by his bald head he made him wear spray on hair on TV and then clearly thought that made him look worse so he never did it again. nobody ever brings that up and they should
This sort of thing is my bag baby!
"I don't know anything about Project 2025" says man recording Project 2025 promotional video in front of Project 2025 publication. More substantively, Project 2025 has embraced Trump and Miller's immigration approach of using power to close both legal and illegal immigration.
Mortiis hails from Norway, where there is no Halloween, because every day is a bleak and horrifying ordeal
I took the sticker off of the spine and see this. It's volume TWO. There was another volume sitting next to it that I thought was a duplicate but it was THE FIRST VOLUME. I actually went back to the shop after the kids went to sleep - and volume one was gone!
absolutely brutal L for me, yesterday at the thrift store I found this collection of Grimm fairy tales illustrated by Maurice Sendak for $2. I got it and took it home..
"some folk'll never eat a skunk and then again some folk'll" is some david berman shit
oh you just found out about a horrifying secret? oh ha ha wow. ive actually known about that awful shit for a while, for years actually. i did Not tell anyone or say anything.
also funny and also extremely understandable that for untold millennia people were like "where do the gods live? where do we go after we die? uh... up there, dude. obviously."
I don't spend a lot of time looking up at the sky and I think it's because if I did that would be the only thing I ever did
I don't spend a lot of time looking up at the sky and I think it's because if I did that would be the only thing I ever did
wait…… they don’t uwu you like i uwu you
(Yakko Warner Hello Nurse voice) Good-BYYYYYE, horses!
This is a joke. You can tell because normally people would not compare themselves to inedible food. The author was using humorous exaggeration to indicate an unusual level of awareness on the part of the character they were writing as
Why would a grown woman eat a hot dog on the ground? I've starved & not eaten that.
do not involve me in your kink!! I do not consent!!
I - and this bumper sticker that I sell! - concur
I feel like you can just be goth. Feeling like this is a long workaround based on the assumption you can't be goth
When they say "it takes a village" they're referring to M Night Shyamalan's 2004 film "The Village" and what "it's taking" is Joaquin Phoenix right to the top of the box office baby
I've become convinced that one of the biggest obstacles to better road design in commercial areas is well-off business owners who drive their BMW to work every day and find it impossible to imagine a customer who uses any other mode of conveyance to arrive at the shop.
I feel like it would work, if need be!
I was wrestling with some faith stuff a few weeks ago and someone (very kindly!) mentioned that on twitter I would post about nice stuff I was getting from my faith and here I generally talk about how much it was tormenting me -
Judging folks for not knowing the thing "everyone knew" in your whisper network is a great way to tell the people whose safety you don't care about that you also feel morally superior to them.
t o n i g h t
hello NEW YORK CITY do you like LIVE MUSIC performed by some TRANSSEXUALS and their FRIENDS you should come to my band’s record release show next week in Astoria