
I know I keep saying this over and over but people who still claim that a second Trump term would be either the same as the first or not much worse than a second Biden term need their heads to go several rounds with the nearest wall
I don’t like Joe Biden, I’m furious with him, I am furious about the prospect of voting for him, but it is difficult to find the words to express how much worse Trump Presidency 2.0 would be, it’s shaping up to become a catastrophe that’s frankly hard to even imagine
If there is one single thing COVID should have taught all of us, it’s that you wouldn’t believe how quickly the world can become unrecognizable. You wouldn’t believe how fast things can get so, so bad Scarcely weeks from everything normal to bodies piling up in trucks
If Trump is elected again, he can and will do whatever the fuck he wants, and no one around him will try to stop him, and we all need to be very clear about just how dark and awful the things he wants to do are
This. I think it's also key to keep in mind that there's an entire engine at work, not just a single useful idiot. If Trump 47 dies in office, there's a legion in place to keep that engine going. And I mean "legion" in the biblical sense.
Watch the VP. If it's JD Vance, Putin will drop ship him the Novichok personally.
then Biden needs to stand up to Israel. it's really that simple
If Trump wins, the ensuing pain, misery, and bloodshed he has promised to unleash on America will make the Holocaust look like a warm-up. And for the vast majority of his intended victims, there won’t be any escape. There will be no way to run.
I try to remember all the good people serving in this administration that voting for Biden will keep in place, like Deb Haaland, and the policies that are Not Enough But Better Than Active Destruction on climate issues, civil rights, voting rights, etc., and not think about Joe himself much at all.
Had to think about it, but no. )-: I think he’s done a lot of good, but also a lot of harm, and while the latter is not on him alone, I’ve seen no indication he’s not fully onboard with it.
Certainly, though, his replacement if the other side wins will be infinitely and actively more destructive. Being much less bad than the alternative does not make you good )-: