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Yes, this is definitely the new hotness. Guard your Snoopy cups.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Organizers got enough signatures to put a measure protecting abortion on the ballot in Arkansas. In *Arkansas*. They had *no national support*. Ignore the pundits melting down over not being treated as Very Special Boys. Dobbs has fundamentally changed elections. Everything they know is wrong.
Arkansas abortion rights groups collect enough signatures to advance ballot A measure to enshrine abortion rights in the ruby red state’s constitution is now one step closer to making the November ballot — but major obstacles remain.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
"Repeating the same mistakes" No. Running the same play. They're not paying a price for it, so they're doing it again. The device does what it does. It's not a mistake.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Every Trump appointed judge should be assumed as corrupt and in violation of their oath to the Constitution. This isn’t for the campaign; it’s for after, when we win and we have to fix the government. You get a Section 3 purge; you get a Section 3 purge; everybody gets purged by Section 3!
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
all the culture you liked from decades past was made possible by cheap rent and artists' pay keeping up with what things cost
It's because we all have day jobs, advances are pennies, publishers don't market, one underperforming book tanks your career, and we're expected to be well-tuned brand machines on social media websites designed to suck our souls dry.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
If they’re comfortable killing other people, they will eventually be comfortable killing you. You can learn that lesson the easy way or the hard way.
They want him to win again. They're all in on the coup. I don't pretend to understand why. They'll be the first against the wall (and if they think they're not going to be, they're even more stupid than I thought).
What way too many people are failing to understand is that this isn't REALLY about Biden's age & well-being; it's about the media being desperate to come up with something, anything!, to keep the focus away from the GOP's direct attack on our democracy. They don't want *that* to be the story.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
What way too many people are failing to understand is that this isn't REALLY about Biden's age & well-being; it's about the media being desperate to come up with something, anything!, to keep the focus away from the GOP's direct attack on our democracy. They don't want *that* to be the story.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Gee, I wonder how things would be different if in those five minutes, low-information voters saw Democrats highlighting the many, many, many examples of Trump's severe mental incompetence instead of demanding that Biden withdraw.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Actually, this isn’t all. You know how you think the dems are conservative? You are correct. Our system, the way it is currently built will only sustain two parties. Kill off the Republican party. Kick them out. Then there’s room for a different party to rise. It’s happened before. Ask the Whigs
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
They’re gonna ban TikTok because the KPOP army made fun of his empty rally that got his internet guru fired. The right made one of the world’s richest men buy Twitter because we were bullying fascists and organizing. American journalism has become almost exclusively transcribing tweets.
People are like "there's no point in posting it doesn't make a difference to anything," 8 years after Donald Trump posted his way to the presidency of the United States
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
People are getting confused and thinking this means I think Joe Biden is the ideal candidate or that nobody else would do a better job - not true! I just think that decision was made four years ago and reversing it is a guaranteed path to utter catastrophe
Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Remember: Texas is not a red state. Texas is a massively voter-suppressed state, with a lot of people working very hard and very thanklessly to fix that.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
And we're currently driving up a summer surge in the west. Just a heads up, folks - you can go back to masking if you stopped! It's only reasonable to change your behavior based on new evidence. The current variant involves gastro distress. Who wants to spend a week imitating a hose at each end?
The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly.
So where are the calls from literally every Democratic office holder for Republicans to denounce the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025? Work the goddam eye and don't stop. I'm so sick of the Professional Democrats who refuse to be political about politics.
The Dobbs decision, now Project 2025. There's more than enough to beat Trump right there, and his campaign staff knows it.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Reminder that the Heritage Foundation publicly published their plan to invade and establish permanent bases in the Middle East on any pretext, before 9/11.
I am glad this piece about the Heritage Foundation threatening civil war if the left doesn’t accept a monarchy came out in the WaPo. More like this, please.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Gaëtan's family has never publicly commented on anything, but have been known to say to friends, "He did everything he could to help the researchers, and this is the thanks he gets." Which is incredibly sad.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
putting handwashing into “core” and masking into “additional” even tho medical science fixed the error that led to thinking these aren’t airborne is one of those situations where i’m feeling gaslit by the rest of humanity: they are airborne! i’m not imagining this! i know you know this, cdc!
However, the CDC continues to go out of its way to stigmatize masks, not listing it in its core prevention strategies for respiratory viruses, and calling it an “additional” prevention strategy instead.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
It seems like the NYT is vying to be the Paper of the Fascist Regime which is not really new for them (no, seriously, check out their shit from WWII) but whew. Reprinting a "Don't Vote" from a theocrat is definitely a choice.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
“You should use layers of protection” yeah, no shit! that’s what many experts said from the very beginning and were ignored so government could push a vaccine-only campaign and force people back to work faster. I’ll never not be angry about this.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Honestly kind of laughable they’re recognizing this now, four years into the pandemic?? Of COURSE covid isn’t seasonal, we knew this after the first year! Great their messaging finally reflects the science but it’s a little too late, especially without any mandates to enforce recommendations.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
I am absolutely fucking done with people whining about exercises of power to stop the immediate bleeding being inadequate because they aren't The Ideal Longterm Solution. Holding out for The Ideal Longterm Solution while the fascists use the existing levers as a crowbar is what fucking got us here.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
“The best time to break up the Department of Homeland Security was in October of 2001. The second best time is now.” -American proverb
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
When it was announced, I declared to coworkers “This is a terrible idea and it will go badly” and I haven’t gotten less wrong with time. It just makes me feel like bureaucracy Cassandra.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
exactly. THE SHIP HAS SAILED. Batten down the damn hatches.
I don't even disagree in principle with them that Biden is not the ideal candidate, it's just abject cowardice to take that position NOW, as opposed to 15 months ago.
Reposted byAvatar usagibrian
Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
That part isn't the disinfo part. It's the chaos and rumormongering that is going to be used to get Mike fucking Johnson etc. into power once they push Kamala Harris out of the line of succession. It's also being used to distract everyone from mounting a coordinated response to the Supreme Court