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NOLA Expatriate living in the DMV. Saints, Pels, Metal, Celtic history and culture.
Don't laugh, but the DC Mardi Gras thing was pretty enjoyable. Was it NOLA enough for me? Not so much; but it was just homey enough to scratch an itch.
The oldest and I on a magical trek through northern MD to get some hot chicken!
My wife: do we need eggs? We should probably get eggs. My refrigerator:
Just about a month away. Taking the brand new teenager to see thus concert/experience/ritual. I am so looking forward to this!
Saw the new TMNT movie yesterday with the kiddos and it was much better than expected. A bunch of call backs to the source materials (movies/comics etc) and some fun Jackie Chan filmography references. I enjoyed it.
The Irish Brigade Memorial at Antietam.
Thinking of taking the family to Antietam tomorrow. There are certain perks living in MD.
Removed Twitter from my phone. The conspiracy theories, racism, transphobia and homophopia were just saturating every nook and cranny of that app. Even the most innocent non-political posts would be subject to that horrid venom. Just a bridge too far.
Visited Gettysburg today. Downtown Gettysburg is beautiful and most of it is historic. Was able to visit the Irish Brigade Memorial, which has been on the list forever. Today was a good day!
Truly hope this app can take the place of that hellscape dumpster fire 🫰
End of feed.