
The other day I noticed that an art post I put on Twitter did mildly better there than here, and then I remembered I have SEVEN TIMES the number of followers there, and for the engagement to be ultimately comparable between here and there is wild lol
It's literally insane how dead it is. And I sometimes see art blowing up (comparatively) in the FYP, but then it has like 100k likes and 6 comments, absolutely no balance. If I were to put on the tinfoil head, I'd say they give big users bot engagement to lock them to the app with false promises.
The ratio is even worse is on Instagram lmao
Instagram will give me notifications like "Wow, your post has been seen by 500 people this week. Way to go!" and it's like, I have thousands of followers. Why isn't my stuff being shown to all of them? Insta will brag about failing me.
Yep YEP. It’s like, “Oh your post reached 35% more people than usual!” And whose fault is that, Instagram???
"Pay us to boost this to more people" Oh you mean the people who were already following me? No. They're going to put it in the feeds of some of the worst bigots you ever did see and they will make you cry.
This place does feel like it's becoming more viable, which is neat
It's nice! A combination of me being better adjusted after spending some formatively messy years on Twitter and then also this platform allows you to draw a meaningful boundary more so than Twitter or Instagram, pretty much.
I am keeping all my fingers crossed, because bsky surely has the better potential, just lacking the mass (yet).
Yeah it is kinda unreal how dead it is now?! It's like people still have the accounts but nobody's using them. (And I mean, I don't judge, I also hardly go there myself.)
Yup. And a lot of my "best" engagement comes from the folk I'm mutuals with and over here they can actually SEE my posts
Isn’t it so nice to see posts from people you opted to follow?? It’s an unimaginably potent wave of relief.
Wild that we don't even ask for much and are surprised when that little bit is delivered
I have 3x more followers on instagram but almost no engagement except from friends, which just feels like I'm posting to the bots. It feels better to post here
yeah it's like... i still have more followers there but there are so many dead accounts it doesn't matter. i keep having posts unexpectedly pop off here because im used to this many followers being like at least 50% less active
SCOTUS rules in 2026 that since money = speech, so does social media producing fake likes for preferred posts.