Campfire Headcase

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Campfire Headcase

BCBA, Secret Musician,
Normalize drawings/art, diagrams to express ideas in non-fiction.
"Doing my own research" by trying to learn more about the world - science, philosophy, art, humanities, history, human behavior, etc., reading quality investigative reporting, interrogating my own biases and assumptions, questioning my epistemology.
My 19 year old daughter is home from college for the summer and playing a most beautiful song on the piano.
Imagine the NYtimes, WaPo, PBS, NPR, all major networks being bought/regulated into RW autocratic control, and left online sites getting messed with under laws against treason. What does left organizing look like then?
The scientifically correct position is that there are no bad people, only bad actions created in the individual who must obey the universe. Transcending to accepting this is one of the hardest things for us to do.
it’s that last sentence tucked at the end that the right is truly terrified of
The real reason we are on this Earth is the time we spend trying to get food out of our molars with our tongues.
Misspelling one letter of your band name is praxis.
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
Live, laugh, 99 luftballons go by.
I need an Art License so when people give me weird looks I can pull that bad boy out.
Top pick for punchable-face starter pack.
an entire movement of wicked people who celebrate wickedness
Having a shit day? Well here's a sunflower that just opened from my flower garden.
Me, looking forward to a small vacation staying in a couple fancy hotels. My wife: you realize you have an Eat the Rich sticker on your car? Me: LET ME HAVE THIS
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
If schools teach nothing else it should be epistemology and sourcing.
Well this is grim
[Justice Roberts, swishing his champagne flute, thinking to himself] Look at this Leftist journalist thinking she's sly. Oh, I'll show her who's broad-minded...
Liberals and Leftists pooping back and forth forever.
Fugazi may have been the most important thing to happen in rock music in the past 50 years. Punk was one of those righteous social expressions that don't come along often enough, but that act like an icepick through permafrosted social veils, letting the living human viscera breathe.
When I think of Led Zeppelin I immediately go to their revolutionary and innovative synth work.
Had to stop reading this rot. This in particular refrain is one I find particularly loathsome. 1/
Standing outside the man’s house, watching his silhouette furiously jacking off while a busker plays an accordion on a park bench beneath the moonlight.
then there was this dream I had in my teen years, was at the neighbor’s house & I climbed up on the kitchen table & did missionary to a large cheese bubble on a pizza
Shout-out to all the left-handers Y'all different
Given his bouts with severe depression, imagine the self-loathing this thought must have caused him.
A person will be just about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States from 1861 to 1865
My nutsack brings all the squirrels to the yard. No seriously, why are there so many squirrels. This is very scary.
I want to get really high and build weird shit like an ejection seat for my bicycle.
Someone in America needs to establish a combo seafood frying restaurant along the model of a British fish & chips shop (but incorporate spices into the seafood) and hood style liquor store. I wanna grab some fried catfish & shrimp & fries with a 40oz malt liquor at the same place so bad 🙃
My boring view is that Biden staying in means we're fucked.