
Pedophilia isn't even a deal breaker for MAGA. These people aren't even among the civilized.
And, they're raising children! 🙄
and attending House's of Worship
Well, to be fair this sort of worshiping is respected.
Good question... I don't know! 🥴
Pentecostal, I think. My mom used to call them the "holy rollers". A lot of mom's relatives in southern Ohio were in that bunch. They spoke in "tongues" and lots of crazy shit, but I never saw any snakes! I was scared of them.
I'm trying to follow the logic that says if I handle venomous reptiles and don't get bitten the fuck to DEATH, that must mean I'm one of God's chosen. Instead of, say, yon snakes have been stuffed full of mice and maybe just don't feel like biting anyone?
Is there any wonder why trump has latched onto “Christianity” now? These people are so logic-challenged they’re primed for the next con. All that’s necessary is their “pastors” saying the word. Eric just said trump is getting orders from God or some such blasphemy. They know what lemmings they are.
Whatever scam works is the scam of the moment, my friend!
They’ve always known how ignorant many people are. There have always been con artists waiting to take advantage. That people don’t wise up is shocking and depressing.
It's just so much easier to let others do the thinking (IF you'd actually want to call it that) - and to just have our 'opinions' handed to us by way of Fox News.
I wish they recognized that, as a result, they’re always angry and it’s effecting their lives.
Truth. They can get angry over a tan business suit!
What?!! Have you started drinking that snake juice Charles?
Down here in 'Texxis' we call it Shiner Bock, ma'am.
It just keeps me dumbfounded how fucking stupid so many Americans are. And IMO much of it is based on deep-seated racism and a stirring up of fear for no rational reason except fascist power. Yes, just like in Nazi Germany.
And, like in Nazi Germany, they will be surprised when they discover they’re on the list. They just don’t know what number they are.
Exactly. I've put it in other words, like what makes Schlump supporters think they'll be safe from him, or that they won't suddenly find their own precious rights abrogated.
This is a critical point: MAGA is SO focused on inflicting pain and misery on others, the realization hasn't struck them that eventually - and inevitably - THEY will become the 'others.' Or maybe they're willing to pay that price, in order to just keep piling the hurt on others.
If we’re ever on the other side of this nightmare, we must teach history as Germany does, as a cautionary tale. So few seem to be able to see history repeating. Teaching our history as glorious & without flaw is contributing to the “patriot” bs. They treat it the same as cheering for a team.
this is why they don't want anyone to learn history
I started sharing Neimoller in 2016, in the hopes people would see the signs. I’ve learned we are an ignorant, brainwashed country.
Yup! On top of that, compared to any other country, Americans are the most undisciplined (mah freedom), selfish (mah rights), no-common-sense masses on the planet!
There really is no logic when it comes to religion, imo. Not one word of it has ever made any sense to me since the 1st grade when I realized that the religious crap didn't match up to any sciency stuff that I was learning as the still doesn't mesh for me. Religion is a tool...
I keep coming back to "Gee, if I had a mind to 'lord it' (- see what I did there?) over a bunch of my fellow dumbasses, I'd invent myself a Sky Daddy - whose interests just HAPPEN to coincide remarkably well with my own!"
If I had a hammer, I'd 'lord it' to pound out demonized frontal lobe brain cells... You can call me, Miss Fired Neuron! 😇 🤭
In my mind's eye, I can picture the 'religion' scam tracing its way right back to man's earliest attempts to organize into social units. "I am carrying out (insert divinity)'s will! Obey!"
🤣👏👏 Bravo... That is so true!
I sometimes wish they'd drink more of the "deadly thing."
Yeah, those REALLY sound like things "Love thy neighbor" Jesus would've actually said - right?
I am the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, I am all, the master of the universe, and to prove it I want you to drink poison. Um, no.