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Word lover, punster, political, democracy-loving, music & arts supporter, defender of Voting, Civil, and Women's Rights.
This is an abomination. shame on you! You were once champions of democracy and justice. Now you've become a rag no better than Pravda.
All that talk about how this election is more about voter demobilization that voter turn out has some legs to it. Kathleen Kingsbury has decided to conceal the partisan affiliation of an anti-democracy activist on July 4 to convince liberals to stay home. Really unethical behavior.
THIS is what every headline in the nation should be screaming.
I like to play w/words; sometimes I think of Bluesky posters as "Blooskies." But then it's--uh-oh, that sounds like "Rooskie." So I don't know what nickname we can give one another, after all. Blooies? Skywalkers? Don't ask me why we need a nickname. Probably don't, but I need to distract myself.
FFS Stop fretting about Biden and FOCUS on STOPPING FASCISM! WAKE UP! Schlump: Cheat, liar, fraud. Rapist. Convicted felon. Traitor. Racist. Misogynist. Anti-Choice. Anti-LGBTQ. Pro-NRA. Insurrectionist. Wannabe dictator. Anti-Constitution. Anti-American. PROJECT 2025. Biden: Old.
I'm annoyed that, unlike on my laptop, my phone has only a "back a page" arrow, but not a "forward a page" for when I go back too far.
On Schlump: Perusing political matter, A winner? A loser? The latter. A bigot, a hater A would-be dictator His title: Persona Non Grata.
Some GOOD news, for a change!
Disgraced former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred in New York for his part in convicted felon Donald Trump’s election interference efforts in 2020:
Rudy Giuliani officially disbarred in New York | CNN Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred for his part in Donald Trump’s election interference efforts in 2020.
The Supreme Court: Six lumps of fascist shit and three bright lights. #SupremeCourtCorruption #SupremeCourtFascism #SupremeCourtUltraRight
Stupid caption keeps saying, "Should Biden Bow Out?" But here Brzezinski makes a passionate, rational, reasoned argument for Biden to continue doing the job. Of course Faux News just cherry-picked one part of it, screw them. I suggest listening to the whole thing:
Mika: ‘I still believe in Joe Biden, but we need an explanation’ Major news organizations and political leaders are calling for President Joe Biden to bow out of the 2024 race, citing concerns over his recent debate performance. Mika Brzezinski weighs in on the imp...
If Gretchen Whitmer even whispered to anyone else that Biden has already lost Michigan, I'm sorry, but she has lost her fucking mind.
Hope to Heaven that all these good people in good jobs get out and #VoteBlue all up and down the ballot.
"Using #BlackJob and #BlackJobs on social media, many physicians, judges, attorneys, accountants, pilots, engineers, and others are making clear that there is Black representation across role types and industries..."
Black People’s Responses To Trump’s Notion Of ‘Black Jobs’ On cable news and social media, many Black Americans are noting how insulted they were by Trump’s notion of ‘Black jobs.’ Some others are making comedic light of it.
Now with more cheese! 😁
All I see is a stripper that went to great lengths to undermine our democracy…
"Borrowed" this from another poster. Love it!
Keep your eye on the ball! Eyes on the prize! The prize is our precious democracy and chance to re-populate the Supreme Court!
The damn ball.
OMG ABC's This Week is interviewing Steve I-Can-Make-Any-Shirt-Look-Like-A-Schmatta Bannon under the guise of "to listen to him is to understand him." Really? Like we don't know what a drunken, hopped-up maniac he is without giving him more oxygen? Interview Democrats in depth, you jerks!
We cannot allow the anti-intellectual, anti-education, anti-science goons to win. Our future, country, planet are at stake. #VoteBlue #VoteBlueForScience #VoteBlueForHealth
My Georgetown CCF colleague Leo Cuello explains how the radical Supreme Court decision overturning Chevron will undermine HHS & CMS's ability to run Medicaid & lead extremist judges to strike down sound policies based on science, evidence & expertise. #healthpolicy
Supreme Court (Yet Again) Destroys Long-standing Precedent in Another Power Grab: This Time Federal Agencies Greatly A power-hungry Supreme Court continues its steady drift away from established legal doctrine and long-standing precedent, acting instead based on political motives and expedience, to the detriment …
Reposted byAvatar khwalz
“Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are attacking the most basic values and freedoms as Americans: the right to be yourself, the right to make your own health decisions, the right to marry the person you love, the right to raise your own children,” said Biden.
I've never hated mainstream journalism ("journalism") so much in my fucking life. #FuckCNN #FuckNYTimes #FuckWSJ #FuckBidenDissers #FuckTrumpApologists
This should be EVERY headline in the country!
The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
I signed up to receive postcards to send! I think this is a really nifty way to get involved, especially if you can't get out and around a lot--and it's effective!
Fantastic idea. Just signed up for a batch myself! Get yours!
Keep this violent, vengeful, rapist, fascist POS out of the White House. Out of DC. Out of this country. Out of our lives.
These are things a dictator would say, not the President of the United States.
Oh, ye of little faith (and I admit, I was nervous): Watch Joe here in North Carolina today and dispel all doubts! Keep the movement going and crush the Orange Turd! Joe is doing, and can do, the job! #ReelectJoeBiden #BidenHarris #ReelectBidenHarris
Watch this. This is today. This is the Joe Biden we were expecting last night. I don’t know what happened last night, but our vehement old Irish uncle is BACK. 👍👍👍
Schlump made so many ugly faces, and creepy grimaces that he looked pretty demented. Dems will have to use those. Biden now talking to watch party sounding better--should have had that energy during debate! #PresidentialDebate
Biden's campaign has to focus on his actual accomplishments, which are numerous, and his plans to move forward. Also that he's committed to protecting women as well as our democracy, Ukraine, Social Security, and our standing in the world.