
This, dear dropout, is known as a "challenge." Challenges are good. Imagine how boring and ugly and uniform the world would be if humans responded to challenges before them with, "Too hard. Let the robot figure out." My God these AI jerks are the most useless, socially maladapted, limited ass ppl
You know how not every splooge is supposed to be a person? Not every stray thought is supposed to be a sentence.
Congratulations, professors. You have invented secretaries.
"Hallucinating" secretaries, to be sure.
I looked up the people involved and their CV’s make me look like an all world dummy. I *think* they‘re wrong, but I can’t *prove* it, so I’m kind of stuck. Problem is, that’s also how you get Jurassic Park.
this is so bizarre to focus on students - who presumably are trying to learn how to interpret information and then craft a response. I have been using chat gpt to get me a first draft on like, business proposals because I already know how and it's boring!
Learning my ABCs was hard when I was 3. Such a heavy cognitive load. AI for toddlers NOW!
I truly don’t understand the goal. These people want to eliminate… trying?