
It’s delusional to plan on Biden getting through this campaign without another time-stopping display of decline. But once he’s officially the nominee, there will be no choice but to continuously gaslight the public. That’s a winning Republican strategy, not Democrat strategy.
This is the part I can't understand people being in denial about. If Biden shits the bed again like he did at that debate between now and the convention, it will actually save us because the momentum will finally be enough to push him out. The worst case is he shits the bed AFTER the convention.
They’re really counting on negative partisanship and the admin’s accomplishments to carry them through. Any time Biden freezes, they’ll turn it back to how Trump is criminally insane. Which he is. But that will be the full playbook.
And like you said, the worst part of this is that after the convention, we will truly have no choice but to minimize/ignore/deny this problem, to just try not to talk about the obvious truth. Do we all really want to be put in that position?! Right now it's *not too late*. In September it will be.