Jackson πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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Jackson πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


He/him πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ nerd about πŸŒπŸ—³οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸŽΆ opinions only mine
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Let's figure it out together
Because she won over 81 million votes to be vice president.
Right. Both stories are easy to sell. "Old Soldier Bravely Soldiers on Despite the Slings and Arrows of the Haters and Losers". Or, "the Torch is Passed! Onward to the Future! Do it for the Old Man!"
I am happy imagining the relief and excitement you all are going to feel when this thing you are digging your heels in against so hard finally happens. We are about to get a chance to try something new, with courage and confidence. You’re terrified of it now. When it happens you will be exhilarated.
Kamala Harris is massively, massively underestimated by this website.
Happy birthday to America, a young, plucky democracy facing a life-threatening tribal revolt by religious extremists. I wish you all the best in building your adorable country.
β€œFind more pleasure in intelligent dissent than in passive agreement, for if you value intelligence as you should, the former implies a deeper agreement than the latter.” Bertrand Russell quotes are my only contribution to The Topic tonight.
"Do not think it worth while to proceed by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light."
"Do not think it worth while to proceed by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light."
Exit polls project 410 seats for Labour. A huge, historic and richly deserved defeat for the Conservative Party, whose legacy of 14 years of interrupted rule is a country isolated, impoverished, and weakened. Labour has its work cut out for it fixing this mess. Better days ahead!
The Labour Party’s projected victory in the UK general election marks a historic moment in modern British political history and a huge personal triumph for Keir Starmer, the Labour leader who is set to become the country’s next prime minister.
Labour’s landslide victory is a personal triumph for Keir Starmer that once seemed impossible | CNNcnn.it The Labour Party’s projected victory in the UK general election marks a historic moment in modern British political history and a huge personal triumph for Keir Starmer, the Labour leader who is set t...
The discourse on here today was extremely unhinged. I’m taking the day tomorrow to not post anything about US politics. I’ll allow myself to post a reaction to UK election results when they come in - good luck, Brits! Otherwise, happy birthday usa, enjoy your barbecues & families etc
At some point there is enough evidence staring you all in the face that it is NOT only Trump supporters who think Biden should make way for Harris. If your best counterargument is dishonestly conflating those two things, I’m even more sure I’m on the right track.
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
An autistic man was wrongfully convicted 20 yrs ago & put on death row for his kid’s death based on a now discredited theory Hospital staff judged his autistic traits as signs of guilt Read more & Sign here to help stop the Oct 17 execution of Robert Roberson an innocent autistic father #SignalBoost
Stop the Oct. 17 execution of Robert Roberson, an innocent fatherinnocenceproject.org Mr. Roberson would be first person in the U.S. executed based on the discredited shaken baby syndrome hypothesis. Act now.
Is there any β€œstay in” advocate that is confident Biden will do better in future debates? To the point you would recommend asking for more?
Here’s the β€œstay in” option A I was recommending three days ago, when I was still leaning towards this one over the β€œendorse Kamala” option B. If he stays in, I want him to be confident that he can demolish Trump in future debates. Ask for more. If it really was just a blip, demand a rematch.
Blocking everyone who comes into my mentions to say that we should vote third party or not vote at all does wonders for my sanity
Shall we reelect the corrupt narcissistic old racist who did shit like this for 4 years?
WEEK 101 of Trump/Pence: Dec 17-23, 2018. The Trump Foundation closes after investigators found rampant corruption. North Korea says they'll continue to produce nuclear weapons, despite Trump’s public fawning adoration of Kim Jong-un. The government shuts down after Trump waffles on the border wall.
Trump Foundation to shut down under agreement with New York attorney generalwww.politico.com The attorney general's lawsuit, which seeks millions of dollars in restitution, will continue, even as the foundation agrees to cease existence.
That one at least has an easy answer: Biden is withdrawing from the campaign because he's fine now, but he's thinking about what he might be like four years from now. He's being a prudent steward, etc.
I'm not sure why it's unreasonable for Biden to say he will remain president until he's 82, not until he's 86.
I'm fairly convinced about this. Biden agreeing to not run and staying on until January 2025 seems ideal.
Biden ending his campaign is one thing; Biden *resigning* would mean: a) endless GOP House "investigations" on Kamala Harris "covering up" Biden's mental state; b) the GOP House and broken Senate both have to confirm the new VP, they won't, and GOP will blame Dems. It's simply not a viable plan.
Some describe Harris supporters as "despairing" or "doomers" or "giving up" or "conceding." I need you to understand that it's the opposite. *Before* I came around to this position, I felt anxious and worried. Once I seriously imagined Harris as nominee, I immediately felt excited and hopeful.
Kamala Harris is massively, massively underestimated by this website.
There is a point at which we would all agree that Biden needs to step down, right? Like, if he was suddenly Dianne-Feinstein-at-the-end levels of visibly too old, I could call for him to step without being lumped in with Trump supporters, right?
tapping the sign again
What Trump and his supporters, overt and covert, want most of all right now is for the anti-Trump coalition to tear itself apart and make enemies of each other, fighting over whether Biden should drop out of the race. Whatever your position, remember we will all need to come together to stop Trump.
It's not just that I'm afraid we'll be unable to convince voters Biden isn't too old. It's that I think Biden is too old. I would obviously vote for him over Trump, and I will fight hard to convince every voter to do the same if he stays in as nominee. But the debate was damning new evidence.
GRIJALVA: "If he’s the candidate, I’m going to support him, but I think that this is an opportunity to look elsewhere." Doesn't seem to have mentioned his obvious replacement Kamala Harris by name, which is a mistake, but otherwise I agree.
CASTRO: "I actually don't see a path now for president Biden to stay in this race in the long term. [...] There are better options out there for Democrats. We have a stable of folks who could do a better job, including Vice President Harris."
'Another Democrat would have a better shot' at beating Trump than Biden: JuliΓ‘n Castrowww.msnbc.com President Biden has been facing growing concern from Democrats about his age and wellbeing since the debate. New York Times Chief White House Correspondent Peter Baker, former HUD Secretary JuliΓ‘n Cas...
Tucson Democratic Rep. RaΓΊl Grijalva calls for Biden to drop out of racetucson.com Tucson Democratic Rep. RaΓΊl M. Grijalva called Wednesday for President Joe Biden to leave the presidential race.
kind of amazed at how confident people are at predicting which candidates and what political moves will win after the past decade. humans are resilient
I think efforts to register voters, now and get out the vote, soon, are the best possible way to effectively channel that energy. There are other things, like contacting reps, the whole list, but the VOTE is the most critical (imnsho)
I understand why the situation is making people angry. It's a bad situation. I'm humbly asking you all to consider trying to channel that anger in a way that doesn't do lasting damage to the coalition we will need to defeat Trump in November.
So Politics Bluesky: If Kamala runs, who should her VP nom be?