Jeromy Cox

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Jeromy Cox

Cartoonist with two rabbits and two guinea pigs.
Such a cool #Portland statue.
Do Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips have a book on their collaborative creative process? I thought I heard about it this past weekend, but I'm finding it difficult to find... if it exists. #Comics #ComicBooks #Storytelling
Picked up this issue of #UsagiYojimbo with a gorgeous #DavidMack cover at #RoseCityComicCon today. The interior #HifiColors are really nice and punchy. Stan and David were both on hand to sign the cover. Nice! #ComicBooks #RCCC23
Comically exhausted from today's #RoseCityComicCon. #RCCC #RCCC23 #ComicBooks
Juanjo Guarnido receiving his Eisner award for Blacksad from Diana Schutz at Rose City Comic Con. Then everyone in Comicdom surprised Diana by hijacking the panel and sharing a ton of love and adulation. #RoseCityComicCon #Blacksad
Fun to be had. #ComicBooks #Portland
Some of my colors for this week's Superman: Lost. Issue six to be precise. #Superman
End of feed.