Elizabeth Spiers

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Elizabeth Spiers


NYT opinion writer, Slate Money co-host, Dem messaging consultant, NYU prof, former EIC The New York Observer, Dealbreaker founder and Gawker founding editor. Brooklyn via Bama. Rednexican. Striver with no chill. Newsletter: buttondown.email/spiers
Spiers filed this essay a week before that but does not regret one word of it.
Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
Also: talking to you, Musk (and Thiel and probably Sacks because he’s a suck up.)
I don’t know by I bother but of all the people to pretend to be offended by a word Republicans use to describe their agenda constantly:
When voters say they want unity they mean they want the other side to adopt their values and ideals. They want a monoculture which we have never had in America.
I'm a bit concerned that Republicans are successfully working the refs with the "turn the temperature down" rhetoric after they made it slightly warmer than the sun.
On a lighter note, Barrett Brown’s memoir sounds amazing www.nytimes.com/2024/07/12/b...
Also Carter has Cinnamon Toast Crunch crocs which as a Gen Xer I am a little jealous of
I appreciate Nate Silver’s effort to coordinate his new book cover with brat summer
After a point there's no reason to assume there's an ounce of good faith in a person who goes out of their way to make bad faith attacks, and I'd rather spend time talking to people who disagree with me but are actually trying to engage.
Lol this is the same person who called me fragile when they demanded I quit my job in protest and I said no thank you
Me after I close a column
And the candidate was my last choice in the primary. But i am just gonna repeat what I wrote before the debate because it is still true:
These are some Dune-sized brain worms
This is my late grandfather—a decorated member of the 82nd airborne and 1st gen Mexican immigrant. We have the same nose, eyebrows that stop at the arch, and resting “smile”. Can’t help but think he wouldn’t be safe in a Trump admin
Gift: For anyone who thinks trump will only deport "undocumented" people -- remember this story from 2019? This is just one of many cases of U.S. citizens being detained and scheduled for deportation.
Police knew a war veteran was a U.S. citizen. ICE detained him anyway.wapo.st Jilmar Ramos-Gomez will receive $190,000 in a settlement with Grand Rapids after a police officer began a series of events that led to his detainment by ICE.
Now I’m doing it to my husband
The preview isn’t working but here’s my column in search
I need more decor on at least one wall
Feel like this headline should be Raging Bigot Cements Legacy with Grandpa’s Money
It’s rare that I internally wail at a celebrity death, noooooooooooooo, but:
When you’re completely inept at governing you do stupid symbolic shit that wastes taxpayer money in order to performatively stick it to people your base hates.
This doesn’t make sense either. A focus group is incapable of making a “finding” about whether congestion pricing would kill votes. That’s not what focus groups do or are for. They’re not tiny polls!
The newly minted nine year old left me in charge of these two while he’s in school and told me not to “leave them in the library and bore them to death” like I did yesterday. “Put something on tv they actually want to watch.” Chopper has already seen Scarface so I’m thinking it’s time for Caligula.
Ah yes, the people with maturity problems are 20 somethings at elite schools who don’t want to be on the wrong side of a genocide, not people the author’s age losing their minds about pronouns, whether people with students loans deserve the tax relief they get as mortgage holders, etc
Wow this feels like a person of a certain age who worked at a business pub that corporations have to pay for just noticed that lifestyle news is popular and now is in charge of the WaPo
Meanwhile on TikTok guys like this who visited NYC for the first time last year and wore a money belt under their shirts the whole time because they bc they were afraid they’d get mugged at the Times Square M&Ms store are talkin a big game about what they’re gonna do