
When you see protestors wearing masks, a big reason is COVID. The right lies that it's only to hide identities, so they can ban masks and make protesting illegal. Leftists need to stop repeating right-wing talking points. Always point out mask wearing is also due to COVID!
For those wondering, yes the DC Dyke March required masks as well as negative tests for community protection against COVID.
To be clear, people should have the right to wear a mask BOTH for health reasons and to protect against surveillance and doxxing.
But when you fail to mention COVID as one of the big reasons protestors wear masks in addition to surveillance, it makes it easier for authorities to ban them, and also erases the ongoing state-sanctioned harm that is being caused by lack of public health measures against COVID.
Yes, we want to be freer, still; we are not concerned if facial recognition fails. We =are= concerned that legislators do not care about our individual freedoms as much as they value their lobbyist money.
However if an individual person is giving you in person shit, tell them The Man is after you.
So tired of the homocidal frenzy of antimaskers— It’s really weird how enraged they get— as if it’s triggering their memory of protectionless progenitor and