That Harp Guy

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That Harp Guy

For over 30 years, Gaffer has been owned by a 26-string Dusty Strings folk harp; Best Friend, Longest Roommate, Harshest Critic.
Fort Collins, Colorado

[Photo: Patrick Stephenson, Artwork: August Haynes]
I'd no idea how prophetic this would be when I posted it 22 hours ago. Congratulations, UK folks. I want this here, too. (Including the "more than two parties" bit, frankly - it's become very much religious right-wing vs. corporate right-centrist in the USA, these past couple/few decades).
🎶"Pack up your Tories in an old kit bag and smile, smile, smile."🎵
Well then, Biden had better get busy utilizing his impunity, eh? Don't wait, Joe.  Bad as you may be, we'd rather have YOU as King of the U.S. than your competitor.
HAPPY CANADA DAY! For your enjoyment, here is a piece by Canadian folk musician, folklorist, & ethnographer Wade Hemsworth, whose song “Log Driver’s Waltz” [1949] is both difficult =AND= fun to perform, & is one of the most challenging pieces I play. Please enjoy it.
Log Driver's Waltz (Wade Hemsworth, 1949) YouTube video by That Harp Guy
Untamable. So many institutions to overturn! Let's get started.
Your horoscope for today: Be like a bear-centaur; majestic and powerful, but completely unexpected.
Third-rate factory-made frozen bao, and second-rate mint chutney, and yet I'm still immensely grateful to have even these. Breakfast of champions, I suppose. I need it. I can barely move.
Each place that has ice-cream vending trucks uses a different tune, but here I just heard the tune they use in Boulder (and, it seems, across Colorado), which is "Oh you can't break me, I'm sticking with the Union." I'm delighted to hear this, and singing along (loudly, so folk hear the lyric).
I've really needed this tremendously beautiful day with the aroma of linden flowers on the breeze. I'm cooking dinner (trout with WAY. TOO. MUCH. DILL.) for company tonight, and I'm hours ahead of that game. A big thank you to Meteorological Roulette for landing it this way, today.
Missed my busstop Thursday, walked about 8km (I'm 57, and walk with a rollator (or a cane, one "good day"). Took about 1.5 hours, but I got to my appointment. Tonight, soaking my aching legs in hot water, chanting & following an exercise I learned when I was about 5 years old. /1
I will never be fully satisfied with any platform which has a character limit. Ever. This applies to "patient portals" as well as BlueSky.
The Summer Solstice, =Midsummer's Day=, does not mark the=beginning= of Summer, but the HEIGHT of Summer. The beginning was back on May 1st (or thereabouts). It can't be =both= the first day of Summer =and= Midsummer's Day, unless you're really bad at math. I'll go yell at clouds now. (Grump!)
If you're still looking at buying an infernal -combustion-engine vehicle (sic), could you =please= just NOT? [Also, do they not have an editor? This is tremendously sloppy. They need an editor.]
I've walked with a cane since my 30s, and still come across folks who dismiss my issues. "You look just fine... why don't you work?" Well, sure. I might be [visually] perceived as "healthy", but my current life expectancy is ~62 years of age, and so post-55 I'm in my retirement years, thank you.
CHALLENGES FOR DISABLED FOLKS: More people are outside now, enjoying nicer weather. Many of us forget there are folks with disabilities, some of which are hidden. Please be kind... I like this U.K. bumper sticker: "I don't look disabled? You don't look like a twat. But there you go." :-)}
COVID is not going to "go away" just because certain aspects of our government wish to ignore it. Three days left to offer them commentary. Please consider doing so.
the CDC is again trying to limit the 2024-25 booster availability to provably immunocompromised and elderly people. they’re taking written comments through the 17th. please take a minute to let them know boosters should be available to all who want them:
Reposted byAvatar That Harp Guy
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
It seems it's time to post this again.
Quote post with a picture of you outdoors.
Quote post with a picture of you outdoors.
Repost your and using a vague proxy: The house I grew up in had a laundry chute and a built-in milk delivery box, and we utilized both... ...and the only limit on our parents put on play was however far we could bike (once homework was done) and still get home in time for dinner.
Repost your age using a vague proxy: When I was a kid we burned our trash in our built-in incinerator.
I am not concerned over whether giving me privacy over my data means that the corporation can't make that into a new source of revenue. If I'm to be a commodity, I am worth a whole lot more than the data can be sold for... and so are you, and you, and those other folk over there, and everyone.
Reposted byAvatar That Harp Guy
When Twitch screened EVERY episode of Doctor Who, I expected young viewers to hate the old eps. Instead I got to watch as they applied modern fan stuff and started SHIPPING THE HELL out of Ian and Barbara in chat. It was wonderful. A testament to how Russell's performance, aptly, transcended time.
Me, trying to get a Medicaid Case Manager - first I wrangle with the ChatBot, verify that I am who I think I am, ask =again= for a human, and then I get this: 🤖 "Thank you. Your estimated wait time is less than [[pause]] 2 hours. Please hold for the next available representative." 🤖 Click.
No human is more or less human than any other human. Anyone who lists other humans as "nonhuman" is trying to justify oppressing (or killing) someone. That sort of language is not used by people who desire peace in the world.
Using an image, show a movie you are sure you've seen more than ten times. (In my case, it's many more than ten...)
Using an image, show a movie you are sure you've seen more than ten times.
I was never properly gruntled in the first place.
Post a non-religious photo you think of as holy.
Post a non-religious photo you think of as holy.
Seems like everything on this timeline has been rather sour ever since that weasel fell into the CERN Particle Accelerator. Our maybe I'm just grumpy about all the horrible headlines...
A piece given me a buncha years back by Joseph Bethancourt III, the premiere banjoist of Arizona in his time.
There are days that I miss Molly Ivins tremendously. I'm certain she would have skewered all =sorts= of folks regarding recent events (of thelast seven or so years).
Reposted byAvatar That Harp Guy
People who say i lived through_________(horrible trauma) and i turned out fine to justify making other people live through it, did not actually "turn out fine"
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Wow. Finally, thunder. It's been so very long.