
guys i am beginning to suspect that our institutions might not be up to the challenge before us
Now Carl Bernstein OF ALL PEOPLE on to talk about Biden being old and not PRESIDENTS CAN DO CRIMES
I just watched this. I suspect Carl is longing for the days of Hero Journalist Gets The Story and has lost the thread on the higher level heroism required of us all now
Almost like he doesn’t know that HE’s old!!
guys i am beginning to suspect that our hacky pundits/bill mahers/carl bersteins/douhats/sulzeberger/et. al, might not be up to the challenge before us
I'm starting to think that media organizations DESPERATELY want Trump back in office. I'm sure this is the highest their ratings have been since the good ol' days of 5,000 people dying every day.
Andrea Mitchell did 10mins, 40mins in, in the first hour of the judgment. Aaron Burr just had to say, “official act!” and stayed in office. Suitcases of cash at Nixon WH could’ve come in the front door. Even Agnew. Is his crime even a crime after McDonald?