
look at the coloring on this sweet, hungry baby who has never been fed, not even one single time
ancient cat folklore claims that if a cat stares at you long enough, you will turn into a pile of canned salmon. people don't know this, but many studies have confirmed this belief is true (i will not link to them, it is not my job to educate you). be careful out there, everyone.
My orange cat will get treats, go eat out of her bowl & then stand in the doorway & look at me like she's starved. If i look back at her for any amount of time she does this silent meow. She makes the mouth movement but no noise. She can & does meow. This is just for pity. "so hungry can't even meow
Poor, sweet, starving baby how could you be so cruel to never ever feed her not even once in her life
we are lucky cats don’t unionize, mine too have never been fed
Stitch does the lickylips if i make eye contact during staring time
I don't know why so many people get sweet innocent cats of all sizes and starve them their entire lives [meanwhile muscular 12 lb cat politely tapping my face at 5 AM to inform me that her bowl of kibble isn't full enough]
This guy was a stray on a rez who survived by stealing steaks from a country club. Since we adopted him we’re such meanies that we sometimes let the dry food bowl drop below half full & he has to meow for upwards of 10 minutes before we correct it.