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Trigger warning: pronouns in bio.
He/him, cis.
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Still a Cybertvirgin.
repost to mark yourself safe from having seen a Cybertruck in the wild yet I’m still pure and unsullied 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
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I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
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NY Governor Kathy Hochul considers restoring the pump handle to the Broad Street pump.
NY Governor Kathy Hochul considers banning indoor plumbing.
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I'm overwhelmed by the response to this so far, thank you to all the new patrons and all the old patrons who have bumped their pledge a bit. I'm not there yet but a couple more days like the last one would help a lot. Please become a patron today!
Please, if you have ever liked my comics and would like to support me in continuing to make them, throw a couple of bucks at my Patreon. I need your help.
Get more from Jonathan Rosenberg on creating Comics
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Tannhäuser Overture in Carnegie Hall send skeet
He’s achieved stage 5 self awareness.
How he got in my pajamas I’ll never know, Charlie Brown
Mother, I’m married to an American agent, Charlie Brown.
Reposted byAvatar Nekrởtzar
I would straight up k*ll anyone who talked shit on Andres. He's been the most generous individual to EVERYONE (not just his amazing work with World Kitchen) throughout his career. A giver. When I was first trying to break into journalism, he gave me an interview and I was an absolute nobody.
If you’re going to blame Jose Andreas for his aid workers getting killed, what are we doing here? It sure feels like you’re using dead bodies to score online points and shit, if that’s your movement you can count me out.
Reposted byAvatar Nekrởtzar
Ugh. EVERY SINGLE response to that post should be “Yes, of course they’re innocent; they’re kids, you fucking ghouls”. I’m gonna go ahead and assume the actual responses are rather more soul-destroying.
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A few days ago I met a pal, an OB-GYN who is working at a service that sends abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) to women who need them in states that ban abortion. She asked me to help spread the word about how to use the service, and asked me to ask you guys to pass on the info. 1/6
«I'm glad Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec are sharing links so I can continue my research on these issues.» is the funniest sentence I’ve read in a long time.
On Tuesday, Rep. Schriver took to Twitter to spread the racist Great Replacement conspiracy theory. When asked for comment Republican "Leader" Matt Hall...hid. Refusing to denounce racism is effectively endorsing it. Today's Michigan Republican Party, folks.
'Blatantly racist': Michigan Democrats condemn GOP lawmaker's 'great replacement' A Republican state lawmaker from Oakland County is under fire for promoting "the great replacement" theory on social media.
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Reposted byAvatar Nekrởtzar
Remember Max, the trans teenager kicked out of his TX school's production of "Oklahoma!"? His town and classmates protested to have him back--opening night was a hit!
Avatar A quote for a convalescent.
“We got Doughnut Jimmy here this afternoon,” said the Dean. “He tried to take his temperature but I’m afraid the Librarian bit him.” “He bit him? With a thermometer in his mouth?” “Ah. Not exactly. There, in fact, you have rather discovered the reason for his biting.” — The Last Continent
“We got Doughnut Jimmy here this afternoon,” said the Dean. “He tried to take his temperature but I’m afraid the Librarian bit him.” “He bit him? With a thermometer in his mouth?” “Ah. Not exactly. There, in fact, you have rather discovered the reason for his biting.” — The Last Continent
Reposted byAvatar Nekrởtzar
. We all have problems. Everything is relative. But... .
Jimmy Carter outlived Henry Kissinger!!!
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the empathy divide also encompasses those who can look at a problem happening to other people and see it as a problem, and those who are only capable of seeing something as a problem if it happens to them personally
Increasingly convinced the core divide in humanity is between those who suffer a traumatic, destabilizing event (as we all do) and believe everybody else should have to, too, and those who suffer such an event and hope they are the last person ever to do so.
Worst case scenario, I’ve shared a picture of a capybara.
I’m doing my part 🏳️‍⚧️🫡
There is a large graveyard filled with my enemies. i do not wish to add to it, but will given no choice. Those who pick fights with me do so at their own peril, but maybe this is their lucky day
There is a large graveyard filled with my enemies. i do not wish to add to it, but will given no choice. Those who pick fights with me do so at their own peril, but maybe this is their lucky day
Reposted byAvatar Nekrởtzar
I was secretary for Police Squad! production. Little known trivia: John Belushi did a "special guest" joke appearance - found dead in pool before credits. Then he died. It was taken out before broadcast (forget who replaced him). That clip somewhere in Paramount vaults.
I don’t understand how autocorrect changed “white supremacists” to “timestamps.”