

Ex-Navy sailor, ex-IT Manager, Dodgers fan, book and music hoarder, 45-year Hawai'i resident.
Author Steve Miller, with Sharon Lee the creator of The Liaden Universe®. died unexpectedly this afternoon at their home in Maine. I can't imagine how Sharon is feeling.
Dear NRA fans, if "thoughts and prayers" really worked, wouldn't that killer at Evangelist Joel Osteen's church have been struck down before he could kill anyone?
It's painful to see the Niners lose on a quintessential "West Coast Offense" pass, since they virtually invented that system in the 1980s. I got your newsletter via email, so I'm apparently ported to your new platform. Chilly up there the last few nights?
Why is it that we can have instant-on electronics but it takes a minute or more for the water in my sinks and showers to get hot? Come on, science, fix this!
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