I know a lot of people think that Sword & Sorcery means people wield swords and use magic, but that's not what the term means. Here's an essay by Howard Andrew Jones that does a nice job laying out what constitutes Sword & Sorcery fiction.
Sword-and-Sorcery | Howard Andrew Sword-and-Sorcery
The wait is over - I have finally delved into the second installment of The Chronicles of Hanuvar - THE CITY OF MARBLE AND BLOOD - an excellent sword and sorcery fantasy series by Howard Andrew Jones and published by Baen Books.
I've been alerted to a lovely new review of The City of Marble and Blood, from Paul Weimer of Nerds of a Feather:
Book 2 of my new series is live in the real world! Should hit bookstores in the next few weeks!
...more DragonCon pics:
DragonCon costume pics...
Returned from DragonCon to discover our duck had been brooding... chicken eggs! Now four fluffy chicks are following her everywhere!
Hey Womble, I’m currently enjoying Lord Of A Shattered Land by and it is such a fantastic, action-packed read
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