
None of that rain is touching the ground. It's called a virga. The rain evaporates before it can quench the soil. Northern Arizona pre monsoon season.
Beautiful picture! Arizona's spectacular weather, sunsets, rock formations, flowers (year round!) never cease to amaze! Not to ignore the wildlife!
Thanks, I can only take credit for being there.
Thanks. You say, flowers? These were incredible until the Cactus wren ate them. the cacti are about the size of a tennis ball.
Wow, that's georgious! Cactus do try to make up for being so prickly. 😂
Found these while riding Jake. We were in the middle of where someone had dumped a truckload of broken glass, and we were carefully negotiating our way out of it when these beauties showed up. Drove back to as close as I could get and grabbed a few and potted them. pic is 1 yr after transplant.
They are doing really well! Volunteer native plants will surprise, if given just a little tlc (aka water/shade) to get them started.
Were. cactus wrens ate every bit of them after 2 years of growth. I was bummed and never found another group to hijack. Someone once gave me the name while on Post, but I forgot to write it down or where I put it if I did. Most beautiful cactus I've ever seen in bloom. Benign little things when not
About the only things that grow well out there are prickly. That may include the people.
I have never seen or heard of that. It is amazing
Not rare out there. Crazy how the first rain of the monsoon season becomes an event because we got about 13" of rain per year. High desert. 4300 ft elev. The mountain in the distance is 8500.
Posted a pic of Thumb Butte which is the same direction the camera is pointing in this pic. Didn't realize the mountain is obscured by the virga.
Thanks. one of hundreds that still take my breath away.
Nearly the same here. Lots of pregnant, dark clouds, thunder, and just scant rain for about 20 minutes. Hardly any impact on the high desert.
I miss everything about it except the grit gale force winds drive into every nook and cranny.
If you need to strip some furniture and prep it for painting, just leave it out during the spring months and it’ll be ready for staining. No muscle required. 😂😂
My Hispanic friends freaked out when I pronounced it Verga. The context was probably why, but it took a few minutes to clarify what I meant. a la verga vs a` la virga - are a galaxy apart
I get the distinction. It’s one of those words that can hang you up. It adds levity in most cases. 😂