
capitolhunters: To everyone appalled by NYT's July 4 op-ed "Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either", note that 1) author Matthew Walther DID vote in both 2020 and 2022, and 2) he's an extremist Catholic graduate of Hillsdale College, part of the religious-right faction behind Jan 6. lol💀
I still can't get over this. "NYT Publishes Op-Ed 'Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either'" is like something straight out of The Onion. What's next? "WW II Nazi Sympathizers Were Largely Misunderstood, Owed Apologies"
American businesses complicit with oligarchs are revealing themselves at an accelerated rate now. There has been a concentrated effort to corrupt our information outlets close to the election, so everyone must be extra cautious about what they are consuming.
They will not.. If Democrats got off of X, stopped watching Fox, and stopped reposting Repuke shit, they would lose half their audience and cut ads they are making money from. Democrats give FREE voice to REPUKES always have. Their biggest promoters.