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Ohio GOP is corrupt, turn OH Blue! MSM let us down, it's up to us to get informed & pool resources to find the truth. Not an attorney.



cash app: $UBI4
Had to laugh: saw this picture just as a bunch of fireworks went off and juxtaposed it with what the cat under the bed must be enduring. Flashes of a long night 😺 --- ©Philomena Famulok How to become a cat, mixed media 2023
capitolhunters: To everyone appalled by NYT's July 4 op-ed "Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either", note that 1) author Matthew Walther DID vote in both 2020 and 2022, and 2) he's an extremist Catholic graduate of Hillsdale College, part of the religious-right faction behind Jan 6. lol💀
"The penchant of the conservative justices of today’s court for substituting their beliefs for decisions of earlier courts has also forever marked Roberts Court as one of the most activist courts in American history... obliterated guardrails needed to protect our democracy & the ppl’s sovereignty."
Roberts Court, a Threat to Democracy’s Future - Kettering Foundationwww.kettering.org Everyone is empowered to build and preserve resilient democratic systems in which all people’s rights are protected.
Paul Schroder "Left and Center left parties in France split the left vote allowing a weak Le Pen led right wing to win their way into run offs and the media screamed from the hilltops what an amazing victory this was. The two left parties unified insuring Macron's victory and crickets. Not a peep."
"Brazil’s Federal Police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office, according to a source with knowledge of the accusations." Hopeful.
Brazilian police indict ex-President Bolsonaro in undeclared diamonds case, sources sayapnews.com Brazilian police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received from Saudi Arabia duri...
the flame of contemplation. laura makabresku.
"Is Roberts threatening people who speak out w/violence? What if they protest? What if they vote? He’s saying it'll get bloody. The more we learn about Project 2025 & the people behind it, the worse it gets Roberts’ comments are not something we can just move on from. They must be taken seriously"
"Bloodless if the left allows it to be"joycevance.substack.com A week ago, I started my post to you with some comments made by Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation and architect of Project 2025, when he learned Democrats were making plans to take on...
content warning: possible Stephen Miller Whatever hybrid slop this is, comes after Kamala's laugh. Their obsession with it is weird and a suspected hypnosis ritual. But really, here come the caricatures to portray her as flighty or incompetent, when in reality she's a smart success story.
"...Putin's buddies kick back some of the extra money they charge the state to the president himself. "That's what makes Vladimir Putin one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Nobody knows exactly how wealthy, but that's one of the key processes." You know, TFG could rob every last one of us.
How Putin Conquered Russia's Oligarchywww.npr.org In 2000, Vladimir Putin began targeting oligarchs who did not bend to his authority. The loyalists who remained — and new ones who subsequently got rich — became like ATM machines for the president.
"Listen to the audio version of The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell from the July 3rd broadcast. Guests from tonight's show include Quentin Fulks, Andrew Weissmann & William Hogeland" He's hitting a lot of points I was hoping someone would. Easy listen, feels like the debate is smaller when done.
The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell - July 3 | Audio Onlywww.youtube.com Listen to the audio version of The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell from the July 3rd broadcast. Guests from tonight's show include Quentin Fulks, Andrew We...
"MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the new ad by President Biden calling out Donald Trump in the harshest terms yet." Good ad. It's exactly what we need to be focusing on. After that they should put Project 2025 on TVs. Talk about SCOTUS corruption. Ppl need to see GOP networking simplified.
FED UP Biden STRIKES HARD at Trump with JAW DROPPING ADwww.youtube.com MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the new ad by President Biden calling out Donald Trump in the harshest terms yet. Head to https://Smalls.com/MEIDAS ...
So much stupidity repeating itself throughout history & education is the only answer. Yet most of my (Gen X) life, they've chipped away at those building blocks - the opposite of what we need to combat misinformation. Some are here to divide us further & keep us reacting, but we're busy learning.
"When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil." - Thomas Jefferson They really shit the bed with this. Impeach the 6 supremes.
"...as long as those actions could be construed as “official acts.” Ken discusses with Mike Breen, a combat veteran and Yale Law School graduate who worked closely with Justice Sotomayor during her confirmation hearings." ... hug a vet today
PISSED OFF Combat Vet DROPS THE HAMMER on Supreme Courtwww.youtube.com YouTube video by MeidasTouch
"the debacle over Biden's debate performance illustrates the major flaws in Dem communications strategy. Here are 3 ways in which they are playing into GOP hands:" Democrats have accepted the frame, allowed panic to lead them into a spectacle of public disunity, & repeated the destructive frame.
Criminal Trump is clearly unfit for officewww.theframelab.org The 2024 presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump reaches a pivotal point
"In the clip, Hovde — a wealthy businessman who launched his career in his 20s w/major help from his rich father — is heard railing against the Affordable Care Act provision that allows people to stay on their parents’ or guardians’ health insurance until they’re 26." They'll take young ppl's ACA.
Senate hopeful Eric Hovde: Young people relying on Obamacare need to ‘grow up’www.msnbc.com The rich businessman and GOP Senate candidate in Wisconsin is heard in newly released audio denouncing how people are allowed to stay on their parents’ health insurance until they’re 26.
My cats are laying low today, we had fireworks going off next to my house until very late. Pushing the impulse to frame this as the last 4th under democracy out of my thoughts. Don't feel like celebrating, but will talk w/folks later. Hope you tell ur ppl about saving America from Authoritarianism.
Neighbors have been at the fireworks all night so I'm waiting for it to stop. But it sounds like an elder statesman to me. His grasp on a wide range of topics is clear & coherent. No word salad. An honest leader who actually surrounds himself w/good people & gets stuff done. And Harris is a good VP.
Unedited: ProPublica Interviews President Biden, September 2023www.youtube.com In the wake of President Joe Biden’s poor debate performance, his opponents and most major media organizations have pointed out that he has done few intervie...
Gift article: "Many of his victims said his wealth and connections led the state attorney in Palm Beach County, as well as the U.S. attorney’s office in Miami, to treat him with deference." Hey, TFG's kind of circle. How many still work there? More criminals who want to emulate Putin's oligarchy.
Judge releases Epstein grand jury records from criminal case in Floridawww.washingtonpost.com The records from Jeffrey Epstein’s 2006 criminal case show how prosecutors raised doubts about the credibility of teenage victims recruited by the wealthy financier.
"On today's UNCOVERED Ron and Anthony analyze the Supreme Court decision to give Trump immunity... They reflect on the CNN presidential debate and discuss strategy for the Democrats going forward." Halfway through this, I think it's a good one so far, lots to think about, feels, positive thoughts..
LIVE: MAGA gets UNCOVERED as SUPREME COURT BOWS to Trump & MAGAwww.youtube.com On today's UNCOVERED Ron and Anthony analyze the Supreme Court decision to give Trump immunity and what it means for the Republic. They reflect on the CNN pr...
Yulia Navalnaya pledges to use US-based rights role to step up battle against Putin "As someone who has personally witnessed the threat dictatorships pose to our loved ones and the world at large, I am deeply honored to take on the role of Chair of the Human Rights Foundation,” Navalnaya, 47 said.
Being a dictator is TFG's fantasy, he will try to show off. Understand we need to talk to folks. Ask them if they know about Alexei Navalny this Independence Day.
"Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.) wrote a letter to the DOJ & FBI on Tuesday, urging them to take measures to ensure they are prepared to fight threats against election workers in the 2024 elections." Perhaps some communication between the depts & the public to assure us of security plans for these places?
Read more here.www.democracydocket.com Read more here.
"In a very real sense, the Court gave Trump a blueprint for totalitarianism. This video reviews the democracy-ending implications of this new Supreme Court ruling. Like Dread Scott & Plessy vs. Ferguson, this new Supreme Court ruling must not be allowed to stand."
Bannon Imprisoned; Rudy Giuliani Disbarred; Yet Supreme Court Gives Trump Immunity to Commit Crimes!www.youtube.com The Supreme Court just can't quit Donald Trump. Interestingly, the Supreme Court does nothing to help Trump's criminal flunkies: Steve Bannon just reported t...
"In a letter to Madison, Jefferson expressed his belief the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years to put the power in the hands of each living generation & avoid perpetual law." "that the Constitution must be amended in order to differ from the Framer’s original intent is unrealistic."
Why a Living Constitution is Necessarywww.bostonpoliticalreview.org In a letter to James Madison, Thomas Jefferson expressed his belief that the Constitution should be rewritten every 19 years to put the power in the hands of each living generation and avoid “perpetua...
I can't watch these w/o getting irked at the reporters/pundits. The needling questions about something Biden said during the debate are misdirected. TFG stood there & lied the whole time. They ignore those lies but come after a detail Biden said. Someone tell them they're mad at their own impotence.
LIVE: White House Press Briefing amid growing Democratic concerns over Biden's re-election bidwww.youtube.com Watch live coverage as White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre holds a press briefing.» Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbcAbout:...
SCOTUS justices gave immunity w/o being certain of a 2nd TFG term? I don't believe them. Nor do I trust these new cogs laid out neatly in their Project 2025 slots. There's a lot of confident sneering going on within this anti-democratic commiseration. The smugness of fascists has a distinct scent.