
it’s 8:30, is it over or are we back
Twitter believes it’s So Over, whereas This Site seems to believe We Are Somewhat Back, which seems status quo ante bellum
The most-reasonable seeming take I’ve seen is that it should put to rest the idea that he has dementia but at the still seemed too old for the job.
iPhone autocorrect and the bus don’t mix
Yeah, I think that’s pretty clearly the Point of Controversy in the Sane Universe and, I mean, fucked if I know but at least I can wrap my head around that version of it
Ended up on twitter again for baseball reasons and saw more politics stuff and holy crap I do not recommend it, not for content but there are no positive adjectives for the form.
My muting of words and names over there is just as assertive as it is here, which means that the only threads that get through are ones like this one which don't include any of those words, and are also reasonable and sane, which makes me think I'm doing something right.
Well it’s really on me I dug around a bit
I don’t really think the lather bsky has developed is particularly healthy in terms of specifics viz the media’s *motivations* etc. but also people somehow talking themselves into increasingly high-pitched Edith Wilson conspiracy theories really underscores the midwittery of the educated classes
Twitter remains a very special website (derogatory)
Yeah I think I’ve sone a good job with a “good lather” here but, in true dumbbell centrist fashion, of I dig one layer past my feed people have talked themselves into the opposite direction with way more confidence than is justified