
Not really sure what expertise Sonnenfeld brings to the topic, but Krumholz is an MD fwiw. The worst thing Biden et alia can do right now is hunker down & go dark about what happened. (and if this is what happened, then he needs better medical advice).
Did cold medications affect Biden's debate performance? Donald Trump suggested that Biden would be on performance-enhancing drugs for the debate and demanded a drug test. Perhaps Trump was onto something.
Considering Biden has access to the best medical care on the planet, an adverse cold medicine reaction on a critical night night would be even more infuriating than exposing him to someone with a cold in the first place.
The president's personal physician has issued Biden a clean bill of President Biden is a healthy, vigorous 80 year-old, according to the White House physician who completed an annual physical. The report says Biden remains fit to fully execute his role as president.
I hope that's what it is, and correctable. It's a hell of an impression to leave in a huge public forum though.
Yes. I mean Biden et alia did no one any favors to say the least–he sucked. (and, FFS, they better do some better infection control before the next debate)
🤔Is Biden the best choice by the DNC to nominate in August & ✨WIN✨in November is the 🔥ONLY🔥 question going forward. Context: HRC in 2016.