Mike the Mad Biologist

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Mike the Mad Biologist


I'm a biologist, mad as in angry. Pro-D.C. statehood since 1969. @[email protected] @mikethemadbiol at http://post.news
@mikethemadbiol at Elongated Muskrat's site
Very far down the list of things that are bad about Project 2025, but since it's in my wheelhouse I do feel obliged to note that a second Trump term would be a gift to NIMBYs. They're promising AFFH repeal + aggressive defense of single-family zoning. static.project2025.org/2025_Mandate...
If Biden et al. were smart, they would cut an ad along the lines of, "There's more work to do and we need your help, but we've created millions of jobs, more than he ever did. Not Black jobs or White jobs, but *American* jobs, for everyone" with Biden standing & saying this directly to the camera.
When Assessing Presidential Fitness, Consider Racismwww.theatlantic.com An excavation of Trump’s “Black jobs” claim
that’s the internet folks
This site’s got the juice
I am really pissed off at the supposed “adults” in the room. Honestly, even if Biden were senile, it’s too late to change horses. Their job is to circle the wagons, defeat Trump, and then deal with whatever. They know perfectly well that it’s an administration, not a president, that matters.
if this was really about who is mentally fit to be president, trump and RFK, jr. have both, repeatedly, over many years in public life, demonstrated that they’re incapable of working through logical patterns of thought or process to establish the veracity of outlandish claims. seems important.
New Yorker wants Joe Biden, whose admin has had historical success, to resign bc he's not doing well at running for re-election. This is not, in fact, what the 25th Amendment was made for.
2 of the top 3 candidates for the US presidency have shown a repeated willingness to believe any conspiracy dangled in front of them like a set of keys, including wildly anti-american ones, which are straightforward cognitive deficiencies for what we should demand in a president. neither are biden.
i mean, he means he won’t take sides on the “theory” of whether the US government did 9/11 or not, but that doesn’t make this any less insane
Just so we’re clear here, when this guy and all the others say this stuff, they’re talking about YOU. They’re talking about me. They’re talking about our friends, our families and our communities We would be wise to fully absorb that fact and act accordingly
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here: newrepublic.com/article/1834...
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!”newrepublic.com Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
To add to this excellent post by @eschatonblog.com, the shitpost left also wasn't in a position to assess Biden's possible health issues either: it's not like we get many opportunities to meet with Biden (or advise him, for that matter). It was the supposed grownup centrists who let this fester.
Is This Going Wellwww.eschatonblog.com Whether or not Biden should leave the race, it isn't the shitpost left that is loudly and prominently arguing that the president - and curre...
From where I was watching the fireworks in D.C., a cloud rolled in and blocked most of what we could see, but it then lifted just in time for the grand finale. This is an omen for the 2024 election; unbelievers will not be tolerated.
Jason Furman, 2022 (singled out only because he was admirably explicit): if unemployment stays low, inflation “will still be about 4% at the end of 2025.” www.hks.harvard.edu/centers/mrcb...
Really don't want to have to post this every day: after watching pundits and political journalists at the NYT misunderstand and misrepresent infectious disease biology for the last four years, I'm not really eager to read their opinions about geriatric medicine.
WORDLE GENIUS (ok, lucky guesser): Wordle 1,112 2/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
The only thing I would add to this very good 🧵is, when Biden et alia decided to antagonize the political press corps, they didn’t turn them into a foil—they reaped the downsides of pissing off the political press corps without gaining any of the benefits.
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden. x.com/fawfulfan/st...
In general, I am not super interested in assessments of mental acuity from the party that brought us Reagan, Dan Quayle, George W. Bush, and the guy who thinks sharks are going to blow up the ocean by attacking boat batteries.
From where I was watching the fireworks in D.C., a cloud rolled in and blocked most of what we could see, but it then lifted just in time for the grand finale. This is an omen for the 2024 election; unbelievers will not be tolerated.
Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
1. Restore Roe. Biden is already saying this. 2. Limit the Supreme Court. 3. Pass gun safety laws. 4. Eliminate student debt. 5. Expand the ACA. Lots more. Pass it on.
watching british election returns the question struck me: what would democrats do with a landslide? what’s the wish list? beyond saving democracy of course.
but what would a historian know anyway?
It’s a very obscure question but I did some research and it turns out that the president who led us out of the Depression and kicked Hitler’s ass was actually in a wheelchair? Who knew?
Some of them are ALSO so far up Trump's network that we should read accordingly. NYT has now assigned Haberman to Biden stories. That's ... a confession.
A few months before he was reelected overwhelmingly, it was widely reported that Ronald Reagan napped during cabinet meetings.
I'm really not making this up. It was one of the very few intelligent things he did.
Old enough to remember when Bush the Younger made a point of going to bed 9:30-10pm
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
taking my dog to see the fireworks on our way home from the vacuum cleaner convention
fwiw, for the 'Bidenology' (aka Kreminology) buffs, I just saw a paid ad on YouTube w/B. Obama asking for donations to support "Joe and Kamala." Speculate away newly minted geriatric medicine specialists...
“Look, folks. There are no “gooner states” and “edging states”, we are the United States!”