
Bringing lynx home to Ireland wouldn't just help revive ailing ecosystems. Sharing the land again with this exquisite cat would add a spark of frisson to our own lives, expanding our imaginative universe into new realms. Let's do this. #Rewilding ๐ŸŒ
Lynx serve many crucial ecological roles, yet are solitary, secretive animals only a little bigger than a labrador dog. They very rarely attack livestock or pets, and *never* people. We need to be talking about their reintroduction to Ireland. ๐ŸŒŽ
Photo from David Hetherington + Laurent Geslin's brilliant book 'The Lynx and Us', published by Scotland the Big Picture, which I can't recommend highly enough. ๐ŸŒ It's also available to download as a free ebook here:โ€ฆ
| SCOTLAND: The Big A stunning range of high quality ebooks focused on rewilding in Scotland.
I'm still awed by what wolves did restoring the ecosystem in US parks. A little predation changes behavior so much and helps so many things.
I do recall the reaction of the Lynx at Wild Ireland when it heard a child shrieking in the distance though ๐Ÿ˜‚
you may need some elk, too. we have Roosevelt ones out here in the Pacific NW temperate rainforest. I wonder if they would be helpful for you, given your GINORMOUS elks of ancient history.