
thanks for the translation of the post brendan (who does good translation work in general including delightful poems about cats)
Quick and dirty translation (forgive the messy Markdown formatting; wasn't sure what the best way of sharing was) at
Glad to see more discussion of what Chinese fans and organizers think about the whole thing!
same, their perspective was sorely lacking in all of this
Sorry, I really hate blowing my own trumpet, but that comment has broken me. (final paragraph) - go back and look at the period late September through early November, I was writing stuff up nearly every single day
man i'm sorry to hear that. i suppose i should clarify & say that the things i saw in the latest blow up were mainly by westerners incl myself & that by deliberate omission or ignorance ppl didn't think to look (once again incl myself bc of my lacking language skills)
that ppl did not seek out chinese voices sooner instead of screaming & speculating is an indictment on this whole industry tbh
Sorry, I didn't mean to give you grief, but the events of the past week already had me wondering why I bothered spending so much time over the past 6 (?) months on this stuff, and then the idea that I might as well not have bothered - aarrgh; long, long day....
no you are absolutely right & i appreciate your comment. you deserve to be heard. i'm very sorry nobody bothered to listen.
This is maybe unfair, it feels like only now the bloody Hugos (which frankly I couldn't give a **** about) have been messed around with that people are paying attention to stuff I raised ages ago, and some of the Chinese fans long before that.
No-one seemed to care about the segregated hotel arrangements where (simplification) all the Anglophone invited guests were put up in the brand new hotel near the con, and all the non Anglo and domestic invitees (inc Hugo finalists) were put up much much further away
I wanna say here that it was only because of ErsatzCulture transmitting voices from Weibo to File770 that I thought to check over there! NGL as a diaspora Asian I was like, “I feel embarrassed about my language skills so I’m scared to navigate Weibo,” but seeing EC do it was a big inspiration
So, thank you for your long memory and all the work you put in, and for archiving all of this info and doing your best to boost the unheard voices of Chinese SFF fans!
Thanks, but I'm super embarrassed. (And maybe a little bit scared?)
don't be scared or embarrassed. you did the right thing... also if there's anything i know it's that this shit (the hugos, people screaming insane things about them) really doesn't matter wrt people's careers
this has inspired me to be better about studying my language skills 😤😤😤