Wendy Xu

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Wendy Xu


bestselling, award nominated comics witch. teaching artist via AAWW.

MOONCAKES, TIDESONG, INFINITY PARTICLE (8/29/23), more tk. agent: Linda Camacho. opinions my own. she/they

no crypto, no nfts, no ai

anyway u thought the elden ring demigods are bad and grrm is sick or whatever. wait till you hear about the ptolemies
im not gonna lie my brain is so full of elden ring rot that when i read the line "they excavated two fingers" in that archaeology article about the ancient trade route i was like
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💀 💁🏻‍♀️💕
highly disagree w miquella. zombies should not be allowed to live and neither should those pest things that look like shrimp
for the last few weeks i've been trying to figure out who rykard's voice reminded me of & i finally realized it's immortan joe
im sorry this man's voice is so funny it's deeply unserious
current state: listening to elden ring lore videos like it's a sermon
alas i must conclude that i don't like dip pens. would have never survived during the song dynasty as a painter
going off of the nyt bs... how can anyone not see that this is a child's response to the way they've been treated by the whole country? the book bans, the tiktok ban, the screaming of conservatives that they must be pure & innocent? they are human beings too, even if their brains aren't cooked yet
adds "the nyt trying to incite moral panic against literal thirteen year olds for tiktok" to the list of bullshit the nyt has pulled
i teach middle schoolers. i personally think the framing of this article is incredibly off & misunderstands the psychology of children enacting antisocial behavior. 7th & 8th grade is when they are testing boundaries & authority (i think ppl inherently understand this) & most of all trying to+
Well this all seems horrible dot gif
not to be an apologist but bk in france is so good lmao... friend/pub social media manager & i were driving & stopped at a random freeway gas station/shopping center with a food court & it was actually delicious & did not make me want to die 2 hours later
The slogan for Burger King in France is a guy with a mouthful of food saying “mmh…bourgaire” and it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard
i deep cleaned under the bed today (which is on risers so it's p high up) honestly, caving under it was kind of fun. felt like a little kid again except i was vacuuming
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Most American pop culture is in fact reactionary in exactly the way this guy wants it, but this is such a funny question to ask and then not attempt to answer
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There are OCEANS of anodyne family values art out there, but even the people it's intended to reassure ignore it because it's valueless dreck. They want something impossible: real, complex art uncritically reflecting their infantile, sadistic joke of a worldview.
This is oddly fascinating in the sense that it doesn't appear that the writer has spent any time with actual artists. He has so little understanding of why or how people make art.
A Matter of Tasteamericanmind.org Conservatives need to learn how to appreciate art, both for its own sake and because it will make us more effective operators in the media world.
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im sorry this man's voice is so funny it's deeply unserious
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i know i'm good & that i make great comics. but if you are not organically supporting them-- finding your way to them out of excitement rather than guilt, reading them out of joy & telling your friends-- neither of us gets anything out of it. i don't get fans that stay. you don't get a book you like
😌😌😌 i do!
Wendy makes great stuff and you should buy her stuff, regardless of whatever else is going on.
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In other news, Mooncakes is one of my very favorite graphic novels. See also “Tidesong” and “The Infinity Particle.” She is on my “will read everything by her sight unseen” list.
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
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it's the way it gets treated like antiretrovirals for me. "oh you exposed yourself to that Bad Persons books now you must do penance and kill the unwoke mind virus by reading this not white person's book"
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
i know i'm good & that i make great comics. but if you are not organically supporting them-- finding your way to them out of excitement rather than guilt, reading them out of joy & telling your friends-- neither of us gets anything out of it. i don't get fans that stay. you don't get a book you like
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
once again ate a peach so good i could have sworn it was stolen from xiwangmu's orchard
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What if Biden and Trump both just die today. Natural causes. They got so scared of a firework they just had a heart attack and died.
im screaming... no shame. SHE HAS HER OWN NOW & YET
well the cat's gone and done it now!!! peed on my expensive ergonomic seat cushion so i had to put it in the wash and the memory foam BROKE IN HALF!!! so now it's well and truly hers because i had to order a replacement!
shoutout to the 9 yr old kid at the farmers' market while his mom worked the stall he kept going "mom momomomomomomomomom mOM MOM can i buy an herb" she went from "charlie hold on a sec" to "charles i'm going to kill you" in 5 mins fdkjfdkjfd
went to the farmers market to have a main character moment & look at nice things
literati in the zhou dynasty
God I was not meant to survive in a dying empire. I was meant to draw gay guys