
But she was part of the winning administration, people voted for her as VP just as much as they voted for Biden as president! Why do you feel properly represented by random delegates you know nothing about and have never voted for?
If we are obligated to entertain REPLACE discourse (we aren't, its stupid): Replacing the black VP with a randomly selected white candidate using some made-up process is unethical, undemocratic, and also absolutely guaranteed to give Trump the White House.
How is having 4700 partisan democrats from every state in the country vote on the nominee the same as “randomly selecting” someone? Why does Harris being Black mean she is the *only* option? Is that the way to win in November?
Because removing her, by whatever means, risks massively alienating the largest demographic of Democratic voters — Black voters — which *no one* has succeeded in winning either the Dem primary or a general without the support of since 1964.
She would not be removed! She would compete. Black voters picked Biden in 2020, not Harris or Booker or Deval Patrick. It’s racist to say black voters care more about identity than about winning the damn election in November.
"Surprise the position you were guaranteed is now a free-for-all special bonus election with rules we just made up" is removal. She could win it again, but its already hers.
No one voted for her to be the nominee. She was guaranteed nothing. If Biden had decided not to run, she would have been challenged in the primaries.
Plenty of people voted for her to be the nominee, that’s what a POTUS/VP ticket *is*. And frankly, you have yet to give any argument as to why she shouldn’t be in this hypothetical scenario other than “just because.”
Maybe it is time for *us* to learn from repetition and leave this be :p