Matt Baldwin

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Matt Baldwin

Writer, photographer, cyclist, naturalist, martial artist, tall ship sailor. Apparently when I was a kid I heard the phrase “jack of all trades” and it stuck. Mestizo. He/him, single. San Diego, CA.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
The fact they're simultaneously running don't vote campaigns and trying to undermine the dem candidate is proof that the moneybags who own these publications are united in realizing their robber baron days are drawing to a close under a guy who is the most pro labour president of the 21st century
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
heads i win, tails you lose: trump and RFK jr’s supporters both already know they believe insane conspiracies, so there’s no need to discuss what believing insane conspiracies says about their mental fitness to lead, but biden voters can be persuaded that biden may be unfit, therefore, biden old
2 of the top 3 candidates for the US presidency have shown a repeated willingness to believe any conspiracy dangled in front of them like a set of keys, including wildly anti-american ones, which are straightforward cognitive deficiencies for what we should demand in a president. neither are biden.
Well, if my work Teams spaces are any indication, I'm the only loser who turned up for work today. (Granted, I'm working from home in a pair of draw-string lounge shorts & an old t-shirt, drinking a fancy latte from the cafe down the street, and have a movie playing on another screen. But still.)
This looks like a lineup of failed d-list superheroes who wouldn’t even qualify for the Doom Patrol.
politics is back baby and it's good again, awooooooo
Y'all, it's ok to take a single holiday to enjoy yourself. Yeah, the world is dire and a lot is at stake, but you ain't gonna make a difference in that by stressing yourself over things you can't change. All you'll do is diminish your ability to act when the time comes that you need to.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
Happy to share the poster illustration I did for Gerald McMorrow's new short film EMBERS! ✨ It's an incredible short based on a story by Douglas Adams (that is in turn a retelling of the Sibylline Books), a fable about climate change, greed, and the consequences of our actions.
Look, today is basically entirely about the privilege to give the Brits guff and get away with it, but still, have a good election today, UK.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
Happy 4th of July! In the wise words of Ben Franklin: The Bald Eagle is a Bird of bad moral Character. Too lazy to fish for himself. The Turkey is a more respectable Bird, though vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would attack a Brit who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.
REMINDER (apropos of a certain paper of record): Anyone who tells you not to vote has something to gain by you not doing so.
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just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
Good morning. It is July 4th, Independence Day, and the 248th anniversary of the ratification of the Declaration of Independence, and on today of all days, it is crucial to declare: No kings in America.
Non-zero chance we're going to find out in a few weeks that RFK Jr. has eaten human meat.
Totally normal country
Sense of doom at the realization that I forgot to put in my order for a CSA box this week and am going to have to brave the grocery store on a holiday weekend. 🤦‍♂️
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
It has astounded and disgusted me since 2016 that so many people were willing to just skip over the profoundly disturbing evidence that Trump is extremely sexually attracted to his own child, and has been since she was a minor.
He def raped his daughter
This is my position as well. Serious accusations, that deserve to be given due accord, but also being made public via the involvement of multiple known bad-faith operators. Neil is a long-time defender of trans rights and queer inclusion. So, the largest grain of salt.
Apparently Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assault by two women. But so far the only sources I’ve seen for this are a podcast with TERF links and a Substack from major TERF Julie Bindel. I don’t know what to think yet. But I’m sad
One thing that actually give me hope about our current situation is that GOP campaign coffers are seriously depleted at the moment, while the Democrats are very flush.
goddamn, lol
I have no evidence for this whatsoever, but a hypothesis is slowly congealing in my head that one of the big reasons US media is in such a state is that we now have a generation of op/ed writers who've never actually had any other job and don't know shit about the rest of the world.
Yes, correct. (Also Stevens deserves to be a bigger figure in the general pantheon of American heroes, if we're going to have such a thing.)
Every day proves Thaddeus Stevens right: there should've been big Nuremberg-style public trials of leading Confederates, accompanied by seizures of the assets of all pro-Confederate large landowners and businessmen, which should then have been distributed to freed slaves as compensation.
Sue every company that does this into the ground.
Earlier this week, AI company ElevenLabs said it is bringing digitally produced celebrity voice-overs of deceased actors to its newly launched Reader app. The company said the app takes articles, PDF, ePub, newsletters, e-books or any other text on your phone and turns it into voice-overs.
AI resurrects deceased actors’ voices to read audiobooks | CNN Actress Judy Garland never recorded her voice to read an audiobook of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, but you’ll soon be able to hear her rendition of the children’s novel that inspired the movie nonethel...
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
Not the most terrifying thing but perhaps the most infuriating: every single thing we said about these fascist Republican fucks has been proved out and all the people who assured us that what is happening would never happen smoothly pivoted to yes it's happening but it will be fine.
Yes please. No kings in America.
IDK kind of feels like we should be paying more attention to a prominent conservative think tank saying we're in the midst of a second american revolution that will remain bloodless as long as long as the left lets it be, then whether or not Biden should step down.
Also, the whole thing with the guillotines actually didn't turn out very well for anyone in the long term. There's a reason it's called, "The Reign of Terror."
the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
I honestly think a lot of people have, as a trauma response, suppressed the memory of what living under Trump felt like every single damn day (understandable), and this Supreme Court ruling yanked the stitches right out of that wound.
Already feels bad, like the Trump years did, when there was no way to escape knowing horrible new things multiple times a day
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
This is what I said yesterday. Harris won't get on the ballot in a lot of states, period the end. Utter chaos. Cope w Biden being the candidate people. He's it.
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning
Reposted byAvatar Matt Baldwin
under the opinion in trump v. united states there was no need for john yoo to come up with an elaborate justification for torture. george w. bush could have ordered an interrogator to crush the testicles of a child, no questions asked.
It has been five days since the debate and I have yet to see a single working journalist or columnist even remark upon how almost every answer Trump gave at the debate was openly racist towards Hispanics/Latinos. We, apparently, are a demographic not worth defending. (NOTE: not a comment on Brooke)
Something real bad is happening over on Twitter holy shit. I just saw some real bad tweets about immigrants from folks I had previously thought were anti-racist progressives