
Good WaPo story confirming that doubts about Biden aren’t just about his debate performance but the botched 48 hours after the debate (beyond his North Carolina rally):
Polls show him gaining, this is idiotic and playing into the Republican hands… they should focus on Trump, his crimes, abortions project 2025
One poll shows him gaining; several more show him losing ground, though not by much.
The Biden campaign probably just needs to wait for the polls to normalize. The public already thought he was old, so it doesn’t necessarily change the fundamentals of the race.
I also don’t trust polls that much… so much garbage, even for “good pollsters”…. There is universe in which black voters switch 30%+
Old yes, but did they think he was so old as to have trouble functioning well, either now or for much longer? Or maybe it's helping keep leaning undecideds high, who may stay hone instead?
lol, the Trumper has logged on. I’m muting you.
I’m not sure. People staying home seems like it would be more of a problem, but for marginal Democrats and inconsistent voters. Memory of these events fade more quickly than people realize. For example, Hillary Clinton might have won if the Comey letter had been sent two weeks earlier.
All the abortion ballots point in red states point to very engaged libs and independents
Sure. But Biden's aging is not something easily hidden. Events will recur from now until election day reminding people.
It eventually becomes old news and people adjust and it becomes baked in to the race and people’s opinion. If Biden can quell his party and get them in line, rank-and-file Democrats will likely fall in line with them. Trump as a threat and object of hatred is a hard pull on everyone.
If polls have been back to normal, elite arguments get weaker. Biden himself stated publically he would only drop out if God himself told him to. No one can force him to leave the race.
Is any of it outside the margin of error? If not, then none of this hand wringing is a) worth it nor b) working.
Remember Walz's bad debate in 2022 and Obama's in 2012?