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Even if Biden doesn’t resign, we need to elevate Harris as a likely president more than normal. If Biden was no longer able to conduct the business of the Presidency, the American should be reassured that someone else is there that is qualified.
Defiance could work. The bully pulpit works if you actually try to bully.
Gerald Ford was the worst
I do like Harris though. Maybe we get Harris at the end of Biden's second term and she runs with an incumbency advantage.
I am not sure I see that longterm the debate changes anything as long as Biden doesn't drop out. Before the debate, the public thinks Biden is too old. After the debate, the public still thinks Biden is too old. Maybe things have changed permanently but I have doubts. People still hate Trump.
The Biden campaign does have a possible upside here depending on how you view it: defiance against the news media and your party can make you look good to the public. And once the news realizes he actually won't drop out no matter what, the story will die.
If we had a parliamentary system, Trump might have dropped long ago. Or not. But he caused enough panic within his party over multiple years to have forced election. He scared so many so often that it was exhausting.
He’s 81. That’s it. We knew how old he is. He isn’t leaving. It is resolved. It’s time to be done.
The angry grandpa vibes in the clips works for me honestly.
The Supreme Court did what Netanyahu dreamed of with a stroke of the pen.
Trump also confirms himself as a personal threat to the Democratic politicians themselves.
I don’t think we should discount the Supreme Court decision that shocked everyone here.
Odd time to have ads at the beginning on a podcast about this.
How did the idea that President Ford pardoning Nixon was a good thing and helped heal the country propagate? He was a crook and the American public agreed. A trial and conviction would have shown that the President is not above the law.
If Biden not doing tons of rallies and events is all he needs, he can continue his campaign with little consequence. Neither debates nor rallies affect the elections very much.
Why is this gaming out how Biden will be convinced to drop out? Also, do they know what happened in the election that LBJ dropped out of? I’m not sure how that would convince him.
I would like some reporting on mistakes that might have been made in White House governance. Otherwise, it feels like a black box that we are projecting our anxiety and fears:
People seem to be getting ahead of themselves about saying Biden has dementia. A jet lagged 81 year old with a cold is going to struggle, but I still can’t believe let him go on stage like that.
The best thing for Biden to do is to slow his pace. He doesn’t need to travel around the world. The crisis he needs to attend to is here.
Ted Cruz? Wtf
This is the most fucked up shit Tablet has ever done
If the constitutional order ends as looks like it might, Obama is the most forceful politician we have.
I’m still thinking about Obama and how he is the commanding leader we needed. To rehash 2008, if Obama was nominated after Hillary, do we end up where we are today?
Still thinking about how if the Supreme Court decided 2000 differently, we wouldn’t be in this mess. They have been a scourge on our democracy for a long time.
For whatever it’s worth, Biden doesn’t sound like he has dementia. He is old. And being old and sick affects your mental faculties. Just messing with an elderly sleep schedule can make them delirious.
Again, this. Among the president’s biggest jobs is to communicate, rally the people, and persuade voters to back his agenda. The team around him spent significant political capital and time putting together this debate instead of doing myriad other things. And this was the result.
It also shows that they were confidant that it would be good. The White House thought he could deliver. Why?
Also, bold action is to shrink and narrow the Supreme Court. So many popular things that Biden/Obama/Democrats have been ruined by them as the member of the institution with the least democratic legitimacy. No one needs to respect their constitutional authority more than the President’s.
My opinion on why Americans felt better in 2020: the COVID relief funds. So many people really needed that money and we just let it expire.
But also, Biden should just do something politically bold like organizing a rally and marching into the Supreme Court personally. Remind them that Biden has power right now. Remind everyone.
I’m ok with Biden. I’m ok with Harris. But old people need naps. Let him have the naps, and all the ice cream he wants. I would rather Weekend at Bernies him (preferably Harrowhawk them at least) than let Trump anywhere near the White House.