
The thing that's striking about this article is how plain it is that the NYT is getting frustrated that they aren't getting him to drop out.
Breaking News: President Biden told a key ally his campaign may be unsalvageable if he can’t convince the public he’s up for the job. The conversation is the first public indication that Biden is seriously considering whether he can recover after the debate.
I wrote yesterday that the way through on this might be to make the NYT's obsession with it a joke but I didn't know how. I'm starting to wonder if the right play is to let them keep barfing this garbage out & have it continuously not move the needle. Eventually it's just embarrassing.
“The Times says I’m not up to the job. Well, I say they’re not up to the job. A convicted criminal and known sexual assaulter, and a corrupt Supreme Court are aligned for an anti-democratic takeover and the Times has headlines about my stutter?” would be a nice start.
I think they're incapable of feeling embarrassment or shame at this point.
This whole thing is happening because Sulzburger is embarrassed over not being a Kingmaker. They are very very capable of shame!
Sulzberger's single-minded snot-nosed snit
It would be good for the country if everyone mocked Sulzberger so hard that it was the only response to everything his paper printed. Like that mommy milky tweet but about how this dweeb thinks he's a baron
“Biden wants to run” is pitched negatively. “Biden takes question of whether he should run seriously” also pitched negatively.
Wow, they've gone full fascist mouthpiece. Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN better pack it in. They'll never kiss Trump's ass as enthusiastically as the NYTimes is doing now.
Really proves that the "Bullying Is Praxis" notion doesn't work: If the NYT can't bully a President, morons on Twitter and Bluesky can't bully anyone of consequence.
Not all "bullying" is created equal, just sayin
This is one hundred percent what's going on. They've been gunning for him for years, and now they smell an opportunity to *create* the conditions to get what they want and it's not working as well or as fast as they'd like.
“Just reporting the objective straight news, conspiracy theorists” -Brian Stelter