
one of our great cultural failings in the modernist pursuit of metrology is the failure to recognize the value and joy in artistic expression.
the nihilism of secular modernism leads to desaturation and emptiness because while the survival drive still gives reason to the functional, if not meaning, it cannot give reason to the joyful expression of color until one moves to post-nihilism.
only when one goes beyond the Measurable, only when one finally lets go and says, "Yes, all of these things are empty. But there is a thing that is not, and it can neither be measured nor traded, and it is Love," (whether by end state existentialism or Ecclesiastes), can one begin to know Art truly.
This is because Art is the expression of what *is* but cannot be *measured*, even though things that feed into it may be measured.
There is a painting that is a great gradient of blue and it communicates the vibe of the sky over the great desert wastes and it is Art. There is a scrawl in a bathroom reading "I need a hug" and it is Art. There is a painting of a man pointing to heaven and another pointing at earth and it is Art.
But we cannot know these without stepping beyond the Modernist obsession with literalness and with metrology and with the cold calculation of steel. Has it a place? Certainly! But it must be applied within its place and the existence of things immeasurable and untradeable must be acknowledged.
so i guess at the end of the day, as the great philosopher writes, we must ask the question: "What is love? (baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more)"
This was the insight that unlocked Dadaism for me.
this is the wife speaking. I am going to let him post the cursed thought he just verbalized to me but I am making it known now that I will not be taking the blame for anything stupid it causes
Read this as autistic and had a moment