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bobcat, probably. he/him. probably skulking around cactus. may be rapidly approaching.
help my wife is pinching my moobs
Reposted byAvatar nog
Reposted byAvatar nog
The NYT has lost the Mandate of Grass, even non-posters are shredding their ass
lmao, they’re running from *threads*? PG-rated twitter? twitter for people who can’t fight? lol
Reposted byAvatar nog
they taste great and are also adorable little dinosaurs
It's a good time to randomly text someone a link to Especially anyone bumming themselves out with doom scrolling. Contemplate how unaware chickens are of human politics. Visit the chickens. Be with them. They are your friends. Except for the one who is your sworn enemy.
Reposted byAvatar nog
lmao, they’re running from *threads*? PG-rated twitter? twitter for people who can’t fight? lol
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
Avatar when we get a house can we make one of the rooms skeleton themed
Reposted byAvatar nog
I'm sure we'll see just as many stories about the historic drop in homicides as we saw about the blip upwards at the end of the Trump years
And speaking of Baltimore, I'm sure my followers are waiting on pins and needles for my latest update on our astonishing fall in homicides. The wait is over! 😏
one of our great cultural failings in the modernist pursuit of metrology is the failure to recognize the value and joy in artistic expression.
Reposted byAvatar nog
my wife is now showing me memes about the Sad Beige Children
beige rooms for beige people making new beige people
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This is the problem with The Omnicause even when you're sincere; every individual cause gets a _very_ surface-level treatment and pivots like this (to whatever argument is most emotionally satisfying) are _really_ common.
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This guy has a knack for writing ad copy
Reposted byAvatar nog
Stephen Miller now following Trump's lead and saying he has nothing to do with Project 2025. 1. His organization is on the Project 2025 advisory board. 2. He recorded a video as part of Project 2025 training tools 3. You can see Mandate for Leadership, the Project 2025 publication in the background
Reposted byAvatar nog
Did something else happen in the past 5 years that massively increased demand for cloud services? No? No massive increase in video conferencing, online ordering, etc? Those increases are a) modest compared to the US's overall climate emissions and b) not all due to "AI"
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Reposted byAvatar nog
BRB, starting a Keto-themed food blog called “For Butter or For Wurst,”
Reposted byAvatar nog
There's a lot to be freaked out about, but that's not a good place to make decisions or interpretations of reality from. Also reality being actually scary is compatable with everyone on here being primed to freak out.
Depression is sometimes misunderstood, including by the depressed, as being sad when you don't have a reason to be. And it's more like you're predisposed to be sad (or anhedonic, or or or) so normal triggers are worse for you. It seems weirdo neuroticism in political hobbyists works the same way.
Reposted byAvatar nog
Saruman: You fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. Me, a coastal science researcher: Deeper than the knee height of the shortest person in their group?!
Reposted byAvatar nog
i could have argued here but instead i drove 600 miles
Sure, I could spend Friday night arguing on here. Or I could go pit the pint or two of Montmorencies that I bought to make apricot sour cherry pie.
Reposted byAvatar nog
the breadth of misinformation is unreal. a woman next to us at dinner said she went to cuba when “trump opened the border” and her date said “best president ever.” obama did that!!! trump reversed it!!!
Reposted byAvatar nog
travel agents be like: "we don't talk about Brno"
Reposted byAvatar nog
Zeke, why do you think accelerationism is bad? Well it's funny you should ask
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Reposted byAvatar nog
it’s neither here nor there as far as a trait to be emulated, but i always think about how joffre was unfailingly militant about his dining and sleep schedule, even during the great retreat, which would (and should!) have spooked the shit out of any normal commander
my hot take is that the president should be and live like a normal human, and so I reject the premise that the president must work 130 hour weeks and never be well-rested. he has dozens of staffers who can cover shifts!
yeah she's a brick (bana now now) hooooouuuuuuuse (chika ow now) mighty mighty lettin it all hang out
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I appreciate a lot of what modern tech has done, but I feel some mistakes have been made.
resisting saying the words "osiris' fursona" within earshot of the mennonite kids at this fast food place