
I think it’s fine to be extremely angry about the prospect of congressmen you like getting primaried out but I also think you shouldn’t fucking lie about what people or organizations did and did not do
Oh wonderful what fresh hell is this?
NY-16 eve, get to see some zombie lies get born
Fantastic. Loved seeing that Bowman "boy those Jews sure do like to live near each other for some reason" quote, too
yeah, didn’t love that, but if I’m a single-issue voter on candidates saying stuff along those lines Bowman is the clear pick over Latimer
I grew up in a very (not majority but strong plurality) Jewish neighborhood in the district and there were also 0 black kids in my year. It's not so strange for a progressive candidate to be aware of how that impacts the political dynamics of the district.
It's also noteworthy that a similar area, Scarsdale, specifically excluded prospective black residents in the relatively recent past. It's just not that odd to point out that segregation causes political discord that can be exploited by relative conservatives, like Latimer.
I guess I'll just frame it this way: If someone referred to "the areas where the Asians live" or "where the Blacks live" or "where the Latinos live" ... what would your gut reaction be?
"Religious Jews tend to live in geographically close communities" is an observation, and a fine one. It's the definite article in "where the Jews live" that lands pretty terribly
Almost any time somebody talks about "the Jews" it's going to be something offensive.
"Jewish people." "Jewish folks." Almost anything but "the Jews," please.
I can't say that I think of "the Jews" rather than "Jewish people" as a huge deal, but I get how it's similar to saying "the Blacks", which usually comes along with a bunch of anti-Black racism. To me, it's the associated racism, rather than the turn of phrase, that's the issue.
If he'd followed up with "well George is pro-Israel so obviously the Jews will vote for him" I'd find that extremely sus.
I'll be honest.. "Daly City is the place where the Filipinos" live does not hit me all that hard. I can understand "The Jews" having a different connotation from people saying it with hate repeatedly. I am not sure I get that impression of hate from that screenshot.
I don't think it's necessarily hate, but it's absolutely alienating.
Using the word "concentrate" is pretty cringey.
The only time the words "Jews" and "concentrate" should be used in the same sentence is when referring to Florida Orange Jews 😉
Uh, there are plenty of "Jewish neighborhoods" in NYC. Some are more diverse than they used to be, but they definitely still exist. I live in one, friends and family live in others. Plenty of other ethnic enclaves too, & many struggles over gentrification & segregation.
This is a very superficial take, really.
I'm not in the district but Bowman generally seems like a decent guy who should keep his job, this particular statement aside.
It certainly a well-intentioned phrase phrased unintentionally horrifically. It feels only a stone's throw from saying "The Jews ghetto themselves, what are you going to do? "
That quote pushed a few friends in the district into the Latimer camp.
I don't think that quote is bad at all, Akiva. I think you mischaracterized it. His opponent is way more problematic to me.
"places where *the Jews* live" is queasy-making. Not my district, so I'm not dug in on these candidates. But woof.
it was at minimum inartful. I don’t think Bowman’s a bigot though
Yeah, a longstanding issue in NY has been these ultraorthodox and highly insular Jewish enclaves that have, at times, effectively isolated themselves from the rest of the state in ways that have resulted in their issues spilling out into the open, such as substandard education, spousal abuse, etc.
At least once a year there's a feature story in the NYTimes or a news mag about these issues and they're increasingly hard to ignore.
True, but it's the same media market and it's easy to conflate one with the other.