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Orthodox Jewish father of 5; Litigation Disaster Tour Guide; Jets Fan. Fighting the widening gyre.
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
we’re in danger
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here: newrepublic.com/article/1834...
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!”newrepublic.com Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
Watching the British election returns I feel compelled to point out that the 650 person House of Commons represents 67 million people and the 435 person House of Representatives in the United States represents 333 million. Replace the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. We deserve representation.
Watching left wingers continue to gripe that Bernie Sanders was "rat fucked" by a bunch of candidates with no shot at winning dropping out and endorsing biden is just bewildering "our guy could've won as if he didn't need a majority of the votes! The screwed him by making him need a majority!"
It's "I, for one, welcome our new ant overlords" in the wild
the fourth estate is fucking kneeling in advance and that is, i think, worth a lot more discourse than whether the only non-fascist in the race is an old man, which he is.
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here’s the fucking enraging thing about this: this is not what the newspapers and the magazines of the world are telling you. it’s not even a partisan thing to call this out. objectively, a second trump term means we all live in a different country than any of us have ever lived in. but, biden old.
there is no fucking “after” if trump wins again. there is america as we know it now, and there is post-america. that’s the choice. you aren’t voting for president, you are voting for the country you have always known, or one you’ve never known.
For your blocking pleasure
Read the screenshots all the way through to the end for the world's least surprising geography reveal
Here’s a nice person to block
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it's not like this stuff ever stopped existing, but the past 8 years have absolutely made people think they have permission to just put it out there.
Doormat that was recently pulled from sale by Marcket Shirts
Forget that: Qualified immunity, baby "A member of the executive branch has a right to presume that the President's orders - given after the President has presumably gotten the benefit of able counsel - are lawful."
There is also every reason to think that this court will expand Trump v. U.S in his second term to extend immunity to those doing his bidding. I.e., “Our holding in Trump v. U.S. demands that government officials be able to enact the will of the executive without fear of criminal proceedings.”
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
the first, second and third most important news stories this week are about the SCOTUS decision, and every columnist spending their time talking about biden old is telling you what they value. we don’t have to indulge them, though, stop your subs, stop clicking, stop talking about them.
Doormat that was recently pulled from sale by Marcket Shirts
Infinity Song, Hater's Anthem You cannot tell me these folks don't have a bluesky account
"Heritage, not hate? Por que no los dos?"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
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'We'll kill you if you try to stop us' is terrorism.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Immunity doesn't mean that the courts will actually treat the action as valid. Just that Biden wouldn't be prosecuted. A court can turn around and say no, the student debt remains owing It can't unshoot a protester
If this is what's waiting for us on the other side of January, why SHOULDN'T Biden use immunity to cancel student debt?
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these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Littler Girl: Let's GOOOOOOOO, baby! My two front teeth are wiggly!
Excellent quality in a president
Yeah, if he wants to catch a murder cha- Oh. Right.
well in a second term trump can just drone strike lorne michaels
The grim irony of modern American politics is that the people most likely to claim to venerate the Founders are also the most likely to burn what the Founders created to the ground
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
Saw a post recently about how yesterday's decisions woke someone up to how important voting is, as the only way to get the right type of judges onto SCOTUS, & consciously restrained myself from posting a deeply unhelpful "IT TOOK YOU UNTIL NOW TO GET THIS" that bubbled up from my soul. Please clap.
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
Thinking a lot about how the bipartisan project of police immunity to law helped set the stage for this.
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i don’t think this and you shouldn’t make up lies about people
the liberal thoughthaver lives in a fantasy land where everything would get better if they just had the opportunity to mic drop a fascist— this will humiliate them, you see
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being open about this stance is, with all sincerity, a very good thing.
You’re right. I am not going to denounce my employer for taking a line I disagree with because I would be fired. I think it is more valuable to not be fired and express my disagreement without denouncing my employer. This is a moral compromise I have made and can live with.
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Over the weekend, one of the major party presidential candidates promoted the idea of trying a former congresswoman for treason with televised military tribunals, and I’ll bet you haven’t seen a news article—much less a catastrophizing op-ed—about it.
Reposted byAvatar AkivaMCohen
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.