Erebus, Current Species: All Smiles

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Erebus, Current Species: All Smiles

He/Him, 35, No minors

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Alternatively, take time to enjoy BEING the BIG stuff, from time to time. You deserve it.
Also enjoy the BIG stuff. I feel like that's a given around here.
I won't force myself to be positive, but I would like to continue to express joy in the things that bring me joy when I can. Yesterday, on my drive to the store, I caught the tail end of a fading rainbow as I rode through the pastureland south of town. And it was...calming. Enjoy the small stuff.
New pic idea: Big Yote Lee sitting at his computer waiting for an update to patch. Holding the controller, big goofy grin on his face, tail swishing behind him. ...Zack off to the side, looking a -little- concerned. XD
SPACE GAME UPDATE SPACE GAME UPDATE. *me, sitting at computer* C'mon update...hit Steam before I gotta go to work so I can at least sample what you got...
At this point I just like leveling all the jobs in FF14 because I like to play with all the satisfying-feeling new abilities they get as they level. You know what's another really satisfying action? The "Scarlet Delirium" combo on DRK. Every hit just has so much WEIGHT to it... *melts*
I think one thing I'm really coming to accept in FF14 is that...I really don't want to play it any more than casually. Like, I don't have much interest in extremes or savages... I just want to chill and enjoy all the jobs, decorate a house, do some fishing at times...
FF14 Dawntrail Adventures: Why yes, the Machinist artifact gear is my favorite of this expansion's sets. Why? particular reason, I promise... ^^;;
thank you to everyone who got a #commission from me this week! here are a few pieces! i am currently making my schedule for the upcoming week. interested in getting a commission? visit and drop me an email! 🎨🌮 #commsopen #furryart
I have been doing a poor job of wishing my friends happy birthday this month, which is bad because like...over half of my friends were born this month. I'm awful, bleh...
My mood is improved today, but I'm still wary.
Repost for morning folks. I'd like to think one thing Lee/Zack would've discovered about the gnoll form is that it makes opening door knobs a lot trickier with those monster-sized mitts...
Whenever there's a new TF, Lee and Zack go on a night out to "test" the new look. Zack generally approves of all of Lee's transformations, but it's always nice to see how the form works in public. Gnoll-Lee gets a 10/10. Big, handsome, extra boopable snoot. (Done by the awesome!)
I really need to give Zack an alternate species form. Do you think Zack would look good as a horse?
Whenever there's a new TF, Lee and Zack go on a night out to "test" the new look. Zack generally approves of all of Lee's transformations, but it's always nice to see how the form works in public. Gnoll-Lee gets a 10/10. Big, handsome, extra boopable snoot. (Done by the awesome!)
Have you considered drawing your OCs BIG ...and in pinstripe suits? You should.
HAPPY🏳️‍🌈PRIDE! - OMG, it's Vex!
Hey, how is that Soulsbornering challenge coming along? 1000 calories for every loss, was it?
And here we bring you Development Log 3: an outline of my upcoming tasks and timelines! I'm already in the process of writing dev log 4, going over the tasks needed to handle the first week of development. That should be out Fri/Sat. It's a DOOZY.
NES Development Log 3: Layout Out Tasks and As mentioned at the end of the previous entry, the next step forward is working to recreate the systems that will be essential for creating a JRPG. The question is, what are those systems and what are...
What if Gnoll-Lee were just...a -little- bigger than Zack. Just a smidge. A smidgon. A mite. A bit.
Some days, I really do wish I had an absurdly large and beefy wolverine man to hold me close and tell me it'll all be okay.
Anyways, it's time to attempt to improve my mood, with shenanigans involving a wolverine. But instead of Yote-Wolverine shenanigans, I'm thinking... Gnoll-Wolverine shenanigans...
Right now, I believe that until November has passed, we can't stop trying to do better for ourselves and our friends/family/loved ones. But I also won't deny that, as more bad news is thrown at me, that fear is starting to grip me, and thoughts of abandoning my life here to save myself is growing.
I'm going to post something controversial, but keeping comments off because I don't need folks telling me how wrong I am, I get that enough IRL. It is OKAY to express doomerism online. It is your social media space, and you can express yourself as you wish. Your feelings are just as valid.
I shouldn't let doom consume me. But I also can't force myself or anyone else to be positive about anything. And this conflict tears me up.
Wow. I think that's it. There's no world where Trump doesn't win reelection now. You can't do much better PR than "survived assassination attempt". I hate to say it, but I think it's time to face reality: our world is going to change in a few months. And after the hacking, "furry" has a target now.
You know sometimes you just need a moment from all the noise. Now shoo, don’t bother me. Thank you 🎨
FF14 Dawntrail Adventures: I'll queue Alliance Raid on Pictomancer. I still need the practice, but could do with learning skills on something chill like the crystal tower-- Game: DID SOMONE SAY TOWER (AT PARADIGM'S BREACH)?
Before bed Gnoll thoughts: I like Lee's personality to change just a bit to match the character his TFs are based on. For Bull-Lee, he got more stoic and prideful. For Gnoll-Lee, he gets Lou's carefree, assertive energy. Along with a greater willingness for physical intimacy, not necessariy sex.
I am sealing myself in the (mostly) air-tight comfort of my home. The odiferous ordure that pervades the air shall not reach me! ...yes, I had to look up a synonym for manure to make this wordplay work. On the plus side, new word learned for my vocabulary!
*Plays Warrior in FF14, a job that focuses on using a huge axe to inflict big burst damage.* *Plays Warrior in Guild Wars 2, a job that focuses on using two axes to inflict big burst damage.* ...You know. I keep -wanting- to make Lee a magical/arcane fantasy class, but if we're being honest--