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666 with a princess streak
Reposted byAvatar dan
Chessthread code here: github.com/mozzius/ches... Fun lil project! I listen to moves from the firehose, put them into `node-chess` to turn moves into a board state, then use Satori to generate a picture of the board. Also, to keep track of past moves, I smuggle the state into the image alt text :)
the chessthread starts here reply with algebraic chess notation to play
GitHub - mozzius/chessthreadgithub.com Contribute to mozzius/chessthread development by creating an account on GitHub.
Reposted byAvatar dan
the chessthread starts here reply with algebraic chess notation to play
Reposted byAvatar dan
Reposted byAvatar dan
Reposted byAvatar dan
another requirement i think is having used - extensively, not just to play pinball in the school library - windows XP or earlier. like even though im a zoomer, idt i would have been as millennial brained if i had not used windows 95 and windows XP
being born in 2000 does the trick. i have equally been saying this for 12 years though even as a kid i hated things getting uglier AND THEY ONLY EVER GET UGLIER
Reposted byAvatar dan
Signing back in for a bit to say that Logic for Programmers is now in early access: leanpub.com/logic. Enjoy! Signing back out because election doomscrolling is bad for my psyche
Logic for Programmersleanpub.com
Reposted byAvatar dan
okay v6 of unfollow.cam.fyi is out and i think it's time to stop working on it, outside of fixing bugs when they pop up - loading states - undo button - mute button (hidden by default) - mute indicators on profiles feed: - optionally show only top level posts - reply indicator - repost indicator
Reposted byAvatar dan
Introducing Aesthetic feeds: Bluesky picture feeds based on the actual image contents.
Reposted byAvatar dan
may i present to you.... toki-steel.vercel.app a web UI for going through your follows one at a time and seeing if you're vibing with them! inspired by the late, great Tokimeki Unfollow for twitter will add some important QoL features sometime over the next two weeks
toki-steel.vercel.app Go through your whole following list and lovingly prune it until it's only people that spark joy!
has anyone observed a phenomenon where eating certain food with your partner is much tastier than eating it alone even though it’s the same exact food (like from the same takeout place)
i don’t really understand rave music, can you send me some sets that make you feel a certain way? feeling happy / joyous / euphoric would be nice but open to other feelings as well
the weird thing about being on the internet is nobody really notices when you disappear cause there’s always enough stuff to fill the timeline. i’m overstating it but it’s partially true. there’s nonzero count of people you forgot about because they stopped posting or deactivated
there should be a more ephemeral form of like that you don’t have to press a button to send. just staring intently at the post. on the receiving side it manifests as your phone heating up. if it gets too hot you have to stop posting
Reposted byAvatar dan
Cartman, Stewie, Minions: An Eternal Golden Braid
do you like it when you want a certain type of food and then you look around and there is a place that serves this type of food and you walk in and you have it. i like it a lot
rice? egg fried
this is beautiful
> being developed using .h headers in addition to .js files oh no
Reposted byAvatar dan
Wrote a little post about Nostr and ATProto: shreyanjain.net/2024/07/05/n...
Reposted byAvatar dan
Hey folks, I did some writing this week on my explorations with HLS (HTTP Live-Streaming) and how I learned the protocol is really just a bunch of text files in a trench coat. If you're interested in how it works and how to add features to video streams, check it out! jazco.dev/2024/07/05/h...
How HLS Worksjazco.dev HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) is basically just a bunch of text files in a trench coat pointing at a handful of itty-bitty seconds-long video files
Reposted byAvatar dan
Reposted byAvatar dan
New blog post ✨ in which I introduce our research paper 📄 on Pudding 🍮 – a system for supporting friendly usernames on anonymity networks 🥸 martin.kleppmann.com/2024/07/05/p...
Pudding: user discovery for anonymity networks — Martin Kleppmann’s blogmartin.kleppmann.com
sorry everyone, looks like i broke Discover for a few days and it was missing a bunch of customized segments, should be getting back now-ish
Ok, question for experts: bouba or kiki? Or perhaps… some kind of hybrid? 🤔