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art historian by training, educator by experience, mostly unemployed (mostly by choice) by profession. Parent, cyclist, crafter, reader. (she/her)
Kid 1 STILL having throat issues (just fielded my 27th call from the nurse describing her swollen and red tonsils) and please tell me why my friends are suggesting it’s the KN95s that are bothering her, and not the ancient school building.
Not great, but also a problem with a solution!
Definitively yes on gray cats.
Yes, this makes sense. I tend to want to be conservative with interventions but then again, it’s my kid and she’s a mess! I guess I just wish that the doctor had been more interested in explaining this or coming up with other solutions.
I just…don’t know how to help her and it seems like tonsillectomies solved everything when I was a kid! Last strep culture was negative; I’ll try and get her swabbed tomorrow.
BRB, making an appointment with @nuge.bsky.social. Kids have never had a male doctor and it’d probably weird them out.
Medicine people, can someone explain the move away from tonsillectomies? My 9YO routinely has had swollen glands and regularly complains about a sore throat for the past few months. Her ped said they don’t do it anymore??
The background is a mild case of Covid once back in 2021, a few weeks post vaccination. She’s been boosted regularly and no obvious long term complications. We mask indoors and test often (so I’m fairly certain just the one infection).
I don’t know that her ped (who is generally fine!) is worried (enough?). We’ve been seen once- when the school nurse remarked on her glands feeling swollen- and was told it was viral and sent home.
She missed a week with the flu and we’ve gotten terse attendance letters (but I’m not sending a feverish kid to school!). So it’s affecting her quality of life for sure and I’m not sure what a next step should be (or that her ped is hearing us?).
Husband is 100% winning the office ugly Christmas sweater competition for the second year in a row, yeah??
This one won us a fancy bottle of wine last year.
A confederate soldier was my HS mascot and there were flags everywhere and Dixie was in our pregame show every football game.
Just incredibly beautiful and perfect morning on my favorite loop. Seven very good dogs greeted and patted.
Impressed and surprised you’re not already familiar. What’s it like being you? Sounds like bliss!
Buster does not believe in personal space, but does believe in shaking paws.
repost with a very polite pet
Bless the party office staffer who took my call ten minutes before closing and gave me not one, but FIVE YES on Issue 1 signs! Go vote, Ohioans!
And yes, reproductive rights are for everyone! But I am especially interested in them for the sake of my three uterus-having kiddos. It was not their fault to be born in Ohio, so the grownups have to vote for their rights.
It’s just, like, the perfect typo for how the past few years felt like everything and nothing.
I see you, too, are living in Covid years (i.e., while I am 42 in earth years, I am only 39 in Covid years).
Not really? But I snagged some juice boxes to appease my kids who had waited for me. I felt fine after!
I donated blood today for the very first time at my local library!
TIL that the old ladies and dudes I see walking their dogs on the trail in the mornings seem to dislike republicans, racism, and voter suppression, so I think I picked a good trail.
They DO seem inordinately worried about human trafficking and fentanyl exposure, so I’m making media literacy my conversational emphasis from here on out.
Han Solo weather, if you will.
Somehow expected to see more masking at the cancer screening center this morning? But I’m the only one! Wheeeee!
Get your bits checked, everyone! And wear a mask/respirator!