Lisa Beal

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Lisa Beal

Ocean scientist @miamirosenstiel and editor in chief @theAGU @jgroceans. Passionate about ocean swimming and ocean stories and diversifying voices in ocean science. Lover of wild life and wild places. Proudly divested from fossil fuels. Secret Elvis fan.
Academic freedom is under assault from the right because education and critical thinking liberate the electorate to find real solutions, beyond the divisive blame game, and to speak truth and make change.
Ocean science is team work! The more diverse the team, the more creative the solutions.
Feeling despair about climate change and dysfunctional politics? Accepting change, even change that we ourselves have precipitated, is hard. But once we accept the change we’ve got 45 years of scientific, technological, economic, and social preparation for this moment in history. We got this!
The thing is, the ocean sustains us. It’s a cliche and it sounds like a trope. But it’s not figurative, it’s scientific, it’s natural. The ocean, in fact, does sustain us. Soooo, you’d think we’d be more careful with it…
Thanks to ARTsail and Blue Scholars for an inspiring World Ocean day panel discussion with Karlisa Callwood, Cyan Simmons and myself from University of Miami and others. Let’s keep our oceans wild and beautiful! Photos by Alex Markow.
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This is not just one person’s or one research center’s problem. The World Economic Forum lists Misinfo as their #1 risk to global stability over the next 2 years … and climate-fueled weather extremes (a common misinfo target) as #2. This puts us ALL at risk. /🧵
Imagine if the invaluable resources of our Earth were somehow given value and could no longer be extracted and squandered without a reckoning of their true worth to every human being on the planet. That’s a price on carbon.
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#ElNiño is rapidly decaying... the latest (Mar-Apr-May) Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) is down to +0.75 °C. By next month, ENSO should enter neutral conditions for the first time in a year.
ArtSail Miami put together a fantastic program for world ocean day. I was privileged to share my passion for the ocean, both in and out of the water.
Blue skies and birdsong and maybe some coral is left in urban environments in our future if we dump fossil fuels for sustainable sources of energy. Money can’t buy that.
Did you know the Gulf Stream alone carries more energy than can be produced by a million power stations? Even more important is to know how much of that energy it releases and where. And whether it is changing?
Keep those things that excite you close and lean into them, lest they become the things you fear.
Temperatures in the tropical Atlantic remain off-the-charts warm and it’s likely the excess heat will fuel a more disastrous hurricane season than is typical. Summers come with a strong dose of dread in Miami.
NOAA predicts above-normal 2024 Atlantic hurricane La Nina and warmer-than-average ocean temperatures are major drivers of tropical activity
The tension between how things are and how they need to be is where truth and power reside. We must keep hold of both to be moving in the right direction.
Research “published in 2020 showed that we could operate a grid that is 90 percent clean energy and 10 percent natural gas by 2035”, all at current kWh cost. Fossil fuel companies say different because they stand to lose.
Opinion | Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Fossil fuel interests are spreading misinformation that renewable energy is harmful, unreliable and worse for consumers.
What a yoga spot! Nature brings me joy and peace.
The future is bright, as long as we are investing in it! Imagine if all our retirement funds were out of fossil fuels (mine are) and invested in sustainable development in emerging economies.
Did you know @theAGU headquarters is the first net zero building in Washington DC! Air is cooled by grey water from city sewers and reoxygenated and filtered by plants, triple glazed self tinting windows, roof canopy of photovoltaics supply all lights, computers, and outlets!
It’s horseshoe crab breeding season on Cape May, New Jersey. New fishing regulations in Delaware Bay have seen a resurgence of populations. The laughing gulls eat many of the eggs laid in the intertidal zone.
Should the natural world have rights? Like the right to exist?
Happy hour at Rosenstiel School. Hard to imagine a better place to work on our small part in making the world a better place!
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Texas has led the U.S. in wind power for decades; it recently surpassed CA for the most installed utility-scale solar; and now, battery storage is booming—from 275 MW in 2020 to an expected 10,000 MW by year's end. If the clean energy revolution can happen here, imagine what's possible elsewhere.
Why battery storage is key for energy independence in Texas | Latitude The technology could propel the Lone Star State to lead the country in renewable energy.
In Taiwan, pilgrimages honoring Mazu, sometimes known as the Goddess of the Sea. From NYTimes.
Find me in the margin between Earth and Ocean.
Oil companies work for survival. That is why they invest in non-existent technologies that may one day reduce atmospheric carbon rather than deal with the problem now. It’s up to us and the nations that represent us to put a price on carbon and hold them accountable today.
Ethical standards and transparent policies are essential for building trust in a journal and publisher. Clear and consistent standards support the work that our authors, reviewers, and editors do at @theAGU @JGROceans.
We successfully recovered our moorings from the Cape Basin after they spent a year anchored in the abyss in the path of Agulhas eddies and filaments.