Rebecca Matte

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Rebecca Matte

Literary Agent & Contract Manager Bradford Literary Agency. NYC OATH Settlement Officer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
For those keeping track at home, we are halfway through the month, and I have received 543 queries so far. But so far (fingers crossed) I'm keeping up pretty well. Unless I just jinxed it.
👀 Keep an eye on this one (story and author) -- you won't regret it!
I am so thrilled to have found a home for my short story, "Music, Murder, Murmuration" with @HavenSpec! This one is really personal and I can't wait to share it with you all later this year!!!
Well. I try not to use this to comment on everything happening in publishing because BOY is that list long. Suffice to say that the last few days have not been flattering. But...I am opening to queries on Monday so I felt like a few thoughts were in order.
Just a day left to bid on everything in the LAoC auction, which ran the amazing mentorship program I participated in this year. Oh, & you can talk to me: I'm a lawyer, agent, former querying author, and giant nerd, & I promise to show off my dog, Pike.
Reposted byAvatar Rebecca Matte
And of course, will be available to speak with as well! She's a great choice if you want to talk about SFF, Romance, contracts, "or life!"
Update for #amquerying: Life Things (™) plus some amazing work from my clients has meant that I didn't read my fulls as quickly as I wanted to. To make sure I don't leave people hanging any longer, I am going to stay closed to queries until July 1, to make sure I make a dent in my existing pile.
After a deluge of fabulous queries and offers to address, I am going to very briefly close to queries to make sure I give my full attention to everything that requires it. I will reopen on Feb 1! I am sorry for the late notice! #amquerying #amagenting
To whomever finds my BRAND NEW book in the train seat: you’re a lucky bastard. I wasn’t done reading that yet.
For anyone keeping score, I am up to date with queries through the end of October 2023! If you sent something my way before then and have not heard from me, please let me know! #amagenting #askanagent #writingcommunity
I spent 5 years on a magic book concept but got stuck a lot on worldbuilding. 2 weeks into turning this into a game, and my team has an incredible system sketched out. It's humbling and incredible to see it happen.
I ordered my sister a gluten free pizza. Except I checked “no sauce, no cheese.” I accidentally ordered “none pizza”
First travel sans cane in 4 years. So far so good?
For all those recently emigrated over, hello! I am a literary agent & lawyer, and I provide contract services for reasonable prices. As an agent, I represent YA & Adult genre romance & SFF. Basically everything you need to know (mswl, contract reveiw) can be found here:
Rebecca Matte | Matter Services,
Can I just say: I've read manuscripts from three of four of my amazing clients in the last month and HOLY COW you all are not ready for these books.
Friendly reminder to #amquerying authors: I open to all queries (within YA & Adult SFF and romance) on Friday, 9/1! I’m in pretty good shape with numbers right now (I think 60 ish queries and 25 fills), and I’m excited to see what y’all send me!
New office and the gangs all here
Specifically cooking chicken and rice for the pup hits different when you aren't even cooking for yourself
Okay trying something new: to make sure that I am still accessible as this site is still building up, I have added an #AskAnAgent section on my website. It now connects to retro spring, which I will use to answer questions periodically, and I’ll leave answers up.
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Are you selling your own short fiction? Tonight at 7pm Eastern, will be teaching the basics of Publishing Contracts for Short Fiction on Zoom. It will not be recorded. (library card field is not required)
I am officially back open to queries for BIPOC authors! If you think I might be the right agent for your story, please feel free to send me a query:
Last week, America decided that people can discriminate against me. This week, I'm choosing to discriminate back, not doing anything to celebrate the 4th. It's not freedom until it's free.
Since I’m new here, I’ll introduce myself: hello! I am a literary agent actively building a list of SFF & romance authors! I also have a small legal business where I provide affordable legal advice or contract review. Also, I’m ace, bi, disabled & Jewish. Follow me for any of these! Or dog pics!
End of feed.