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Brennan Center

We work to build a United States that is democratic, just, and free — for all.
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Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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Reposted byAvatar Brennan Center
The Supreme Court will decide the constitutionality of gender-affirming care bans in Skrmetti—but state courts are already deciding these questions! In my latest for's State Court Report, I explain the status of, and need for, state litigation over these questions.
SCOTUS’s Review of Ban on Trans Health Care Highlights Need for State Even if the U.S. Supreme Court decides that bans on gender-affirming care for trans youth are constitutional, state courts can strike down such laws under state constitutions.
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SCOTUS just eliminated Chevron in its continued assault on the government's power to solve problems. And it's butchered history (again). If you're wondering just how, click on over to Gautham Rao. Then read our brief that anticipated a lot of this:
"agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do." ❌ "The Framers anticipated that courts would often confront statutory ambiguities and expected that courts would resolve them by exercising independent legal judgment." ❌ This is a fictional rendering of history.
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SCOTUS’s opinion in Vidal v. Elster = rich text for the Court’s originalist turn. Lots of scuffling about how/if to use history. Barrett with scorching anti-originalist commentary. Sotomayor tag-teaming. All told, more signs of rifts in the originalist consensus. ⬇️🧵
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Read the brief that Lawrence O'Donnell featured on The Last Word last night in the 🧵⬇️ Another product of Historians Council on the Constitution!
The weight of history is against Trump in his bid for immunity from prosecution for his attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Today 15 historians—including 7 members of Historians Council on the Constitution—filed a SCOTUS brief making exactly that point. ⬇️🧵
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Hey folks: I'm one of a group of founding era historians who signed on to an amicus brief for the Supreme Court concerning presidential immunity (and the many ways in which it makes no sense.). It was released to the public today. You can read it here:
BREAKING: Today, we filed a brief in Trump v. United States requesting the justices reject the former president’s claims of immunity from criminal prosecution. American law has recognized from the beginning that presidents can be prosecuted. 1/6
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The weight of history is against Trump in his bid for immunity from prosecution for his attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Today 15 historians—including 7 members of Historians Council on the Constitution—filed a SCOTUS brief making exactly that point. ⬇️🧵
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Reposted byAvatar Brennan Center
Latest in the ongoing efforts to end judge-shopping: the Judicial Conference’s new policy fails its first test as NDTX, source of major concern, explicitly defies its recommendations.
This Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating trailblazers in politics. Shirley Chisholm was the first African American woman elected to Congress in 1968 and a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
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Reposted byAvatar Brennan Center
In this morning's NYT, a nice write-up of our study alongside Mike Podhorzer's analysis from yesterday, showing the devastating effects of Shelby County
The Supreme Court and Young Voter A 2013 ruling triggered a slew of laws that attached restrictions to voting.
Misdemeanor enforcement in NYC is concentrated in low-income Black and Latino communities — increasing their social disadvantages and draining government resources. Our report highlights the need for alternatives to reduce crime and build public safety:
<p>Misdemeanor Enforcement Trends in New York City, 2016–2022</p> Cases have declined, yet low-income Black and Latino New Yorkers continue to disproportionately face charges.
Election deniers in Wisconsin made no pretense of following election law — and they got caught. But wealthy donors who exercise a bit more caution can easily exploit loopholes toward the same ends.
Election Deniers Skirted Campaign Finance Laws in Campaign loopholes and lax enforcement help election deniers drown out voters’ voices.
Random case assignment serves as a bulwark against the undue influence of political agendas on our courts. The Judicial Conference needs to cement this policy in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
<p>End ‘Judge Shopping’</p> The practice undermines both the fairness of the judiciary and public confidence in it.
This Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating trailblazers in politics. Nancy Pelosi was the first woman elected speaker of the House in 2007. We salute her commitment to making U.S. democracy more inclusive.
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Trump's brief asserting his immunity from prosecution is in. And it's shocking. Former presidents aren't kings. Trump missed the memo. And, by the memo, I mean the Constitution. Let's walk through some of the more off-the-wall parts of this filing ⬇️🧵
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⏰Trump claims to be absolutely immune from prosecution for trying to overturn the 2020 election. His argument isn't just dangerous. It's wrong. Historians and Rosemarie Zagarri explain the ridiculousness of it:
Founding-Era History Doesn’t Support Trump’s Immunity Historians Rosemarie Zagarri and Holly Brewer explain the anti-monarchical origins of the Constitution and the presidency.
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For those who have been following the (surprisingly active!) saga around the Judicial Conference's policy change last week to address the problem of judge-shopping (, a few thoughts on where we go from here: 1/x
Courts Move to Bolster Fairness by Addressing ‘Judge Shopping’ The federal court system took a step to curb efforts by politicians and activists to block national policies by bringing lawsuits before particular judges.
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The Supreme Court will hear a case today that is part of an effort to silence those working to identify and counter election falsehoods. Their decision could make democracy more secure, or make it harder to protect.
Supreme Court Case Could Be Disastrous for Detecting Election The Court will hear a case that’s part of a legal and political effort to silence those working to counter election falsehoods.
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This week the federal courts took a big step to limit judge-shopping in cases involving national/statewide issues. My colleagues Alice Clapman & Jen Ahearn along w/ Prof. Amanda Shanor explain why this is a significant policy change.
Courts Move to Bolster Fairness by Addressing ‘Judge Shopping’ The federal court system took a step to curb efforts by politicians and activists to block national policies by bringing lawsuits before particular judges.
Election deniers want to exploit the cracks in the voter registration system to challenge legitimate registrations, initiate mass purges, and shade the rolls in their favor.
Mass Purges Are the New Voter Election deniers are trying to get huge groups removed from voter rolls.
Before 2013, states with a history of voting discrimination had to get federal approval before they made changes to their voting laws. Here’s how “preclearance” worked and why we need it back:
Preclearance Under the Voting Rights For decades, the law blocked racially discriminatory election rules and voting districts — and it could do so again, if Congress acts.