
I want to bop all the doubters and leakers over the head with a copy of Project 2025. There's very little time to waste and they're just making things harder! If you had doubts about Biden's chances, you should've spoken up earlier. What everyone in the party should be doing NOW is 👇
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Leftists for the record have been agitating against Biden as the nominee for a long time and intensified efforts during the primary It's the center-left elites that were fine with Biden up until the second the media began asking them hard questions
Personally, I was all in on not Biden, but then the primaries ended and with them any realistic notion of replacing him. Seems straightforward that winning an election means you won. Idk.
I hate a lot of what the center left is doing now but leftists don't vote and have doomered every minute of Bidens presidency while he did more for the climate, labor unions and student loans than every prez in our lifetimes combined. I hope ffs we can all unify against the very real threat today
Noting, however, that the leftists [more or less] fell in line once Biden captured the primary. The profiles in cowardice are coming from the center, as always.
Who are these “center-left elites”?
There's still time to replace Biden, you're needlessly fatalistic about the issue.
Who else is going to manage to get on every state’s ballot at this point? That ship has sailed.