C.V. Danes

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C.V. Danes


Old. Opinionated. Somewhat curmudgeonly.
If you think big tech is pushing out 'AI' from a sense of desperation tantamount to end of the world, it's because they have nothing left after this goes bust. No more big scams, no more transformative magic tech vaporware, nothing. Once this goes bust, they go bust. They're desperate.
I don't want to hear that Biden had a bad night. I don't want excuses. I don't want apologies. What I want to hear is that Joe Biden has the fire in the belly to vanquish Trump and Project 2025. Not just beat. Vanquish. If he can't do that, he needs to step aside. Immediately.
We’re at the point where this guy is using ellipses during his big video threads to avoid quoting Biden’s mistakes directly. I know it’s coming from a reasonable place of fearing Trump will get elected, but I don’t think this is sustainable.
So I dropped a piece of ice out of the freezer and my corgi snatched it up and bolted like she had captured some booty. Then she stopped by the water bowl, placed the ice on the ground, drank some water, picked the ice up, and bolted off again. I yelled "Ice is frozen water dude!"
It's not Biden being old that keeps me up. It's this: 2025/26, bird flu grows legs, and instead of 20k dead in NYC its 200k, 10+ million dead in US instead of 1+ million, no relief, CDC gutted, no Fauci, and Jarred Kushner extorting the states during a full on big D Depression. That's Trump.
Just thinking how my dogs have never looked at me like I was food, but I'm not all that certain about my cats...
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This is an important point. Newsom and Whitmer have said that they support Biden. For those who can't translate, that means STFU.
I mean what gets me here is that at this point they are reporting on absolutely non-starters like a fringe group trying to draft Jamie Dimon to run. All the “Johnny Unbeatable” candidates have declined to throw their hat into the ring. There’s obviously no there there any more but they keep going!
Finally got around to adding a profile picture. Say hello to Jackson, my wirehaired Dachshund companion.
It is kind of wild watching the Dem establishment immediately run for the hills over one bad debate performance instead of rallying around Biden's accomplishments over the last three years.
If we're talking Hope, not Optimism, then I agree, for this and the climate crisis. There's no giving up at this point, but we must go into the fight clear-eyed, understanding now how bad things are inevitably going to get, and recognizing the odds are long against us. Nevertheless, we Persist.
I think I may have to come to terms with the fact that scanning an image and noticing the person in the lower left has six thumbs is apparently not a skill I possess. I guess I'll have to treat all images as AI generated until proven otherwise.
It really is astonishing how the US airlines these days really could not care less if they actually get you to your destination. Imagine if you took a cab or Uber knowing that at any time the driver could just pull over in some strange neighborhood and kick you out. And keep the fare.
Most people really don't grasp what's at stake or just how radicalized the Republican Party is right now. The Handmaid's Tale is not a cautionary story to these people. Gilead is not hyperbole for these people. It's what they want. It's what they really, truly want.
This video is brilliant, but if you want to know why "AI" is being pushed hard, it's as simple as this: The tech bros sold a pitch to the investor bros that magical AI would be the Next Big Thing after the Metaverse bust, and after spending billions, the investor bros want their ROI. That simple.
The Midwest floods also underscored ways in which the increasing frequency and damage will inevitably bankrupt even the federal government.
The Midwest floods underscored ways that extreme precipitation could overwhelm infrastructure not designed to endure it — and how other environmental, economic and social problems can cascade from there, experts said.
‘Not prepared’: Why the Midwest floods are a warning for the nationwww.washingtonpost.com More potential hazards loom even as the waters slowly recede across the upper Plains.
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It least it's still a live person (ostensibly), instead of a modern version of the mechanical Turk where the person in the box has been replaced by a low wage worker wage-enslaved in a low wage country.
The proper response to someone talking about AI is "You mean automation?" Example: "I'm using this cool AI app to calculate my optimum calorie intake." "You mean automation?" "I'm using AI to drive my car." "You mean automation?" Without fail.
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing the US getting pulled into an expanding regional war in the Middle East is not going to look well going into the election. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.
US intel indicates war between Israel and Hezbollah inching closerwww.politico.com The State Department urged U.S. citizens Thursday to “strongly reconsider” travel to Lebanon.
It seems to me that somewhere we lost the narrative that the purpose of tech is to support the needs to society, and not the reverse. This is why big tech spending billions of dollars to push AI and whatever else on society that no one was asking for is an epic fail.
Here we go.
"A large-scale confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah is likely to break out in the next several weeks. The U.S. offers a slightly more conservative assessment than those coming from parts of Europe. Some European countries calculate that a war between Israel and Hezbollah could happen in days."
US intel indicates war between Israel and Hezbollah inching closerwww.politico.com The State Department urged U.S. citizens Thursday to “strongly reconsider” travel to Lebanon.
Listening to "Better Without You" on the way in to work and damn doesn't Amy Lee still have big damn beautiful rock voice.
Was just thinking about how short the seasons are for tv shows now, and while yes it makes for a tighter narrative, what if a looser narrative and longer season allowing the examination of various subplots and detours was the whole point? Not making everything now an 8 episode movie?
Just thinking what a wonderful little movie The History of Future Folk is. Hondo!