
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
There are quite a lot of them in there, though. Just coming from living in "Military City, USA" Also I think it really depends on what branch you're talking about. Like the Air Force, sure. Marines? Eek.
the Air Force is where the real Christian and Mormon wackos go, is my understanding (but with exceptions). And yeah, there absolutely ARE way too many MAGAs in the military - main point is there’s lots who aren’t, unlike the cops.
I've known so many queer and weird folks in the Air Force. I think the Army is kind of like the US, it's super diverse, mostly folks that didn't have a lot of options. Super freaks in the Marines though. Also man, Mormons have WEIRD politics. It's pretty interesting.
Mormons really are fascinating. I lived in SLC for a bit as a kid and it is very…different.
The LDS-to-CIA pipeline is real.
Is there a plebeian’s guide to Mormon lifestyles somewhere? Serious question.
Both the most progressive military folks I've known and the most reactionary were USAF. The Colorado Springs nutjobs have been trying to convert cadets for decades but just as many tell them to fuck off.
There’s a heavy evangelical presence in the Air Force officer corps, but I think the enlisted are more balanced because a lot of the jobs are like normal office work and computer stuff. If you ignore the SEALs, navy always seemed like the most enlightened and diverse branch to me.
That’s because the Marines are low key a cult in and of themselves
You join the marines for 2 reasons. 1. You are far far too desperate. 2. You buy the bullshit.