Jason Jong

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Jason Jong


Somerville, MA, Ward 7
bikes and bugs and snakes and salamanders and also a rescue pibble
Wildlife photography | fine art | environmental field audio
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Reposted byAvatar Jason Jong
Just a fresh reminder from today that Holcencyrtus is pretty much the most gorgeous wasp I've encountered 💜 🌿 🐝
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“You’re a lawyer! What does this mean, really?” Man, I don’t fucking know. In the last week an entire area of law I studied was more or less rendered entirely moot and now there’s one specific guy in the whole country who may be able to do anything he wants without recourse. This is kind of new.
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Reposted byAvatar Jason Jong
A pod of ichthyosaurs (modelled on Stenopterygius) hassle the Thalattosuchid, Mystriosaurus. Posidonia formation, Early Jurassic. A4. Done for fun. Original avaiable if you're so inclined.
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Reposted byAvatar Jason Jong
Happy #FossilFriday! Did you know that many theropod dinosaurs have thick pads on the bottom of their feet? Much like the paw pads of dogs and cats, these probably helped cushion their footfalls and assisted in gripping the ground when running. (1/2) #paleontology #ichnology #dinosaur
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Reposted byAvatar Jason Jong
turns out television was barely rotting our minds at all, when compared against current baselines
If you see this, quote post with a beach photo from your gallery. Crane Beach, MA
If you see this, quote post with a beach photo from your gallery. Somewhere between Santa Cruz and San Francisco.
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Late last year I found some of S. Florida's tiny Schizomida whiptail scorpions and brought one home to my isopod enclosure. She still poking around in there! Just a tiny wild dog with the usual number of legs, running at the feet of African elephants (also with the usual number of legs)🥹 🌿 🦂
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i have no real idea what my gender and sexuality are so i made my own pride flag based on the label colors for Baja Blast
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Reposted byAvatar Jason Jong
Today I saw a frog take a poop. This is a first for me and I can't express how privileged I feel. I photographed the event and partly filmed it as well.
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“Darwin comes to town — how the urban jungle drives evolution” by Menno Schilthuizen A beautiful and wonderful read on how human-built landscapes are rapidly influencing the genes, behaviors, and forms of flora and fauna. This book has got me noticing nature in whole new ways 🧬 🌆
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One of the coolest insects around and something I've wanted to see for a while, a mantidfly! These wondrous mash-ups are not mantises, nor flies, but are in the same family as lacewings. Very cool. 🐙🌿🧪 Four-spotted Mantidfly (Dicromantispa interrupta)
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When the Earth Was Green will be out in about nine months, so that’s plenty of time to check out The Last Days of the Dinosaurs if you haven’t already! Both are narratives, drawn from the latest fossil finds, that envision what life was like long before us. us.macmillan.com/author/riley...
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a big and beautiful Blaberus giganteus seen in Costa Rica. I removed it from someone else’s cabin, and it posed nicely on a palm (after prickling me with its leg spines), then fluttered off into the jungle
Quote this post with something green from your gallery with no comment.
Quote this post with something green from your gallery with no comment.
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Reposted byAvatar Jason Jong
Forgot to share this when it came out - here's an episode of Common Descent Podcast where they interview myself, Curtis and Amanda about our podcast. It was interesting to undertake a bit of a retrospection of something that we've been doing for 10 years. www.youtube.com/watch?v=chGw...
Spotlight 2024 - James, Amanda, and Curtis, Palaeo After Darkwww.youtube.com Welcome to Spotlight 2024! In this series, we’re sitting down with our fellow paleo-podcasters to discuss Science Communication.It’s episode two, and our gue...
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A rufous/Allen's hummingbird and some Pride of Madeira illuminating a grey, misty day. 🪶 📷Claremont Canyon
If you see this, post something pink 💗
If you see this, post something pink 💗
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Today in the fucking suburbs of Los Angeles, I had a 3 owl day Growing up in a megapolis of the greater LA region felt suffocating from nature My immigrantness confined me to a 10sq mile perimeter that was the sum total of my life Birding has freed me, still living in OC, but no longer trapped 📷🦉
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Not A Cat (Cuterebra buccata, a gorgeous botfly which apparently parasitizes bunnies? So large I thought she was a cicada when I first sighted her, in the last shot!) 🌿🪰
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I'm delighted to share the cover of my new book A Natural History of Empty Lots, now available for preorder—"a genre-bending blend of naturalism, memoir, and social manifesto for rewilding the city, the self, and society." www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/chris...
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This man is so small he feels individual photons as a gentle rain 🥹 Neonella camillae are barely over 1mm full-grown. It's absurd and I love them so much. I was looking for them in C. Florida yesterday, where they range, and found two somehow! 🌿🕷️🧪
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INCREDIBLE new paper out by Amy Moran and her lab about how giant sea spiders reproduce! esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.... This was the only family of sea spiders we didn’t know how they reproduced! All other families use paternal care. Amazing stuff! 🧪🧬🌎🇦🇶🦑🐧